Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It took a study to correct the course at CNN. At least for now. So, I wondered how it might have felt to be Mr. Foreman talking about 'the truth' for the first time in six years rather than the fabricated reality this newsnetwork has managed to make it's montra since Bush ignored the report from the CIA stating "Osama bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the USA." Somehow until last night, CNN never acknowledged that the atrocity that was the Bush Adminisration had actually looked the other way when that report was filed in plenty of time to stem the attacks of September 11th. And why? Because Cheney, Bush and their Cabal of deceptionists wanted a greater war.

Tom Foreman :: A new study from New York University's Center on Law and Security suggests, that's exactly what is happening. Look what they found. From the day after 9/11 to the day before the invasion of Iraq, there were fewer than 30 terror attacks a year worldwide. After the invasion, that jumped to 200, a sevenfold increase. Before the invasion, there were 501 terror-related deaths a year. Now there are nearly 1,700 annually.

The administration has argued previously that such numbers are climbing because coalition troops are engaging the enemy. But, even if you don't count the terror attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, worldwide terrorism blamed on jihadists is still rising dramatically.

The study meshes with the government's own assessments. A national intelligence report last October found that Iraq is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders and operatives, jihadists who are honing their skills by fighting in Iraq, but who will eventually go home to their own countries, yet more evidence that the flypaper may not be sticking.

The Rainforest segment was far shorter than the others and almost invisible. I don't know what to expect of the 'special' Andy is putting together and I will be sure to scrutinize it.

The "Tower of Terror" flick CNN put together, what's it called ??????, "Edge of Disaster, Are You Prepared? " It has it's merits, especially in the case of the levy circumstances in California, but, I don't know about the focus on Boston. That hit me funny. You know CNN pulled that so called accidental 'fire alarm' in Boston that amounted to a lot of problems for that city, not to mention some heart attacks that might have occurred because of it. It's all to questionable as to the reason for the focus in this expose' of Boston to realize the intent by the goff-balls that pulled the stunt on the city stating it was simply a WB glitch. I hope CNN doesn't expect the rest of us including Boston to buy that mess.

At any rate, the 'Edge of Disaster' is somewhat akin to the Culture of Fear that brought this country to it's military knees under presidential leadership with faux agendas and not the security of this nation. So, I don't really appreciate it when any 'repeated' event such as that expose 'lends' itself to same.
