Friday, April 27, 2007

The extremes CNN goes to in manipulation of the truth is simply outrageous.

Dig this. Transcirptional fraud.

Psychotherapist Breaks Down Alec Baldwin Blowup; Are Scientologists Using Virginia Tech Tragedy as Recruitment Opportunity?; Oregon's Governor Tries Living on Food Stamps; Doctor Opening Medical Care Centers in New Orleans

These idiots are amazing. The title to the program review designed to keep all away with no interest in 'shrinks,' no interest in paranoya over Scientology or the other messes they listed.

What in fact do they start the show with besides John King?

Jessica Lynch, then the AC360 news team departs into a segment about Tenet and the subsequent lies Cheney manufactured.

This 'snipet' of information (the exchange between Warner and Tenet) below is taken out of context. The information George Tenet put forward was based on reports from years before when Saddam is believed to have gassed the Kurds.

UN experts confirmed in 1986 that Iraq had contravened the Geneva Convention by using chemical weapons against Iran. (click on)

JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's TiVo time at the White House. Former director of central intelligence George Tenet's performance on "60 Minutes" Sunday is must see TV for anyone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Whoever uttered the words "weapons of mass destruction."But before we get to that, let's rewind. Go back a month or so before the invasion of Iraq began. February 12th of 2003. When then CIA Director Tenet was testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

SEN. JOHN WARNER, (R) VA: Is it your professional judgment that there will be clearly found caches of weapons of mass destruction to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that he had them?

GEORGE TENET, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: Sir, I believe that we -- I believe that we will.

There WAS evidence that told of past abuses of Saddam. However, operating on that knowledge as the Senate made it clear they wanted no 'chance' of being "W"rong and WANTED to give the Executive Branch every benefit of the doubt...what would you say if you were Tenet and asking to a Senate that wanted specifically stated answers to questions.

Everyone seems to forget, George Walker Bush through a bill passed by the Legislature, approached the United Nations to put inspectors on the ground. Those inspectors were in Iraq BECAUSE of concerns that Tenet and people like Warner raised.

These issues of 'doubt' were allowed as real concerns by the United Nations Security Council. It is why they insisted on UN Inspectors returning to Iraq. They wanted to reassure a nation attacked that indeed there were no weapons of mass destruction. The 'ancient' case John King and Joe Johns is making has absolutely nothing to do with credibility of CIA information. That information was accepted by the UN Security Council as a legitimate concern.

What is of issue here is the fact that Walker Bush plowed into Iraq before the inspectors were finished, before he was supposed to by the 'bill' that the US Legislature passed. This isn't about the 'credibility' of the information of the CIA. It was allowed by the United Nations. Those concerns were validated by the US Legislature, what is of issue here is Bush and Cheney's lies to the USA concerning the link of al Qaeda to Iraq and their complete disregard of the authority of the USA Legislature and the UN Security Council as well as the UN Inspectors.

Bush and Cheney CHRONICALLY disregard any and all authority or opinion if it does not align with their 'agenda/goals' which always favor the advancement of profits for cronies.

George Tenet's book is welcome and his willingness to speak to all these issues even today is admirable (... and I'll probably buy a copy), but, in all honesty as a CIA Director that wasn't taken seriously over "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the USA' every inkling of concern he had, every reservation was taken seriously by the UN Security Council. They knew the USA was damaged and concerned. But, that is not the issue regarding the illegal invasion into Iraq. Tenet did his job and did it well. It was Bush and Cheney that acted prematurely and without sufficent military strategy or personnel that is of issue. The Executive Branch has been and continues to be INCOMPETENT.

Just that simple. CNN is a corrupt news network that likes to 'spin' lies and nothing else because they have nothing else to report that, like Bush, meets with their agenda.

There were no weapons of mass destruction, the UN Inspectors ON THE GROUND reported back same over and over and over again.

What is everyone thinking?

Tenet did the wrong thing?

He over measured his concern?

No, way.

He was faced with an Executive Branch that were renegades and a country in turmoil. He did the right thing. Completely. He took the concerns of the USA based on every aspect of knowledge the CIA accumulated and carried same to the UN for deployement of inspectors. There is nothing to ridicule about Tenet. Nothing. I thank him for Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, the complaint that Patrick Fitzgerald handled which revealed a great deal of truth about the corruption inside the White House.

George Tenet's words now is simply more reassurance that the CIA is the best intelligence agency on Earth and lives to protect the lives of Americans. The public testimony after the outing of Valerie Plame by people like Larry Johnson only speaks to the great patriots that walked the halls with him.

No. George Tenet is not to blame. Absolutely not. Bush and Cheney and their band of Neocons including Wolfowitz is to blame and this 'snippet' of film means absolutely nothing to me except to show a man so concerned with the lack of ability of the Executive Branch to live within the requirements of office that he would take any measure to protect the people of this country. Tenet did the right thing. Bush and Cheney acted prematurely and with military incomptence. The Commander and Chief and his 'Mission Accomplished' goals NEVER listened to his generals. Never.

I am sure it was important to have Mr. McLaughlin on AC360 to 'spin' doubt over the view of war that it was illegal but John King only showed his incompetence to lead an intelligent and comprehensive discussion. He was intersted in exploiting the new book as lies by George Tenet to water down it's brevity to this society, but, he grossly missed the mark AGAIN.

JESSICA LYNCH, FORMER POW: On April 1st, while various units created diversions around Nasariyah, a group came to the hospital to rescue me.

The Jessica Lynch episode and the episodes of testimony surrounding Cpl. Tillman's death should teach the American people a very valuable lessons.

Lawmakers Seek Files on Tillman's Death
AP Newsbreak: Lawmakers Request Documents From White House About Pat Tillman's Death

The misguided imagery of both American soldiers was a powerful distraction from the continued incompetency of the USA Defense Department under George W. Bush. It was so powerful it has taken years and a Democratic majority in the House and Senate to have 'the truth' come out. That illustrates a much larger picture of deceit of the majority Republican leadership, some of which are still sitting in their seats and casting votes. That deception was enjoyed by Republicans for the sake of controlling the electorate. The deception of images that was to bolster the reasons for war and why young Americans would enlist in support of an illegal war is not to be easily dismissed.

Dearly acquired assets of the USA were toyed with so Bush Neocons could conduct war for profits. Assets like Jessica and Pat. People, American flesh and blood, died and suffered because they love this country. The DOD had no respect for these soldiers. None. They only sought to exploit them to further their cause and continue to confuse the people of the USA in regard to the continuance of the Iraq War.

Assets like the billions and now trillions of USA dollars that have been squandered on a war that never needed to be fought while the murderers of September 11, 2001 are still at large.

All to often and understandably so, the American public 'thinks' of news as entertainment. The struggle for newsprint to hold the attention of Americans has even breeched the way in which news is presented. It needs this 'crossover' between reality and 'Entertainment Tonight' in order to survive. As a result there is this concept that all 'the truth telling' that exists in the House and Senate Committees are sort of like the latest 'laugh at Bush' gossip column.

That's not it.

The Bush White House, the current Executive Branch of the USA has lied to the American people to gain consent for war. THAT is not a minor issue and if anything the Tillman family stated as a 'wish to be heard' is that message. While Pat Tillman was a great American dedicated to protecting his country, the country acted irresponsibly in the face of his death.

When young Americans go to war to protect their country they are paying the ultimate price. They are giving their lives for the life of their country. They do that because they believe in their country, it's purpose in existance. They love their familes, neighborhoods and towns. The deception of the DOD and the Bush White House regarding this goes to the very heart of why Americans defend their country and the ease with which that loyalty can be exploited.

I think of the two examples of soldier loyalty, Jessica's reality is most stark in that one soldier felt such strong duty to her country that no matter what her role was to be she would carry it out, including returning home to a hero's welcome when she felt differently. That needs to be valued in the understanding that loyalty is a strong motivating force to any soldier and to realize that deception can be exploited for wrong doing is more than appauling and a statement of gossip, but, violates the reason why soldiers fight and die. It violates everything. Then to extrapolate that understanding to the numbers of those involved in the cover up of Pat Tillman's death only reveals how vulnerable our soldiers are to exploitation of having the wrong people in positions of power.

Then AC360 with King and Company embarked on 'blah, blah, blah' and onto sexual predators so they could get maximum hate for the story regarding Alec Baldwin. Does Kim Bassinger pay for this advocacy? No. But, it serves the purpose of upholding the Neocon status quo for women. Delicate and vulnerable without cause for blame. Chattel. Simple as that. Women are blameless for everything and therefore can't be held responsible for phone calls from irrate fathers that never get attention. Chattel that need to be taken care of and not held responsible for being airheads.

I couldn't care less about what a psychotherapist says because Alec fell right into the trap. Bassinger stated she wanted a divorce from Baldwin because he was a abusive and cruel. He fell right into a trap she set up for him when the PRE ARRANGED phone call never happened. No call from Kim to Alec to say things got messed up, she never tried to arrange another call when it was obvious those arrangements would fall through.

KIM IS AT ISSUE here as well.

This was an eleven year old girl that was supposed to speak with her father in a pre-arranged phone call which failed. From the sounds of it this is not the first time it failed.

When a custodial parent, which evidently Kim Bassinger is, has the responsiblity of visitation, even by phone call, then it is her responsiblity to be sure it is carried through. As a custodial parent she has as much responsiblity in fostering a healthy relationship with any child of the marriage to insure their emotional stability. Children regardless of age are NOT supposed to be used as pawns. I question Kim Bassinger's ability to responsibly parent her daughter to insure a loving relationship continues with her father. I believe there is reason to believe, this 'AGGRAVATED' tirade of Baldwin's is every reason to believe Ms. Bassinger can't be a stabilizing parent to her children. She doesn't accommodate their father with reassurances to misbehavior, so therefore Alec Baldwin is a joke to his child? Really? Well, maybe Ms. Bassinger is more the joke than she realizes. A parent that cannot reassure the court of a good, loving and stabilizing home environment isn't a worthy parent at all, now is she?

Unfortunately, divorce is simply a termination of obligation of one spouse to another. That does not mean it carries over into a divorce of parent and child and the accommodation one parent has to make to another will continue until that child reaches adulthood and the age of majority. That is by legal precedent. Too bad.

MICHAEL PATTINSON, FORMER SCIENTOLOGIST: They want people whose lives are ruined by something, which is part of the dissemination or expansion technology Scientology uses to get new members.

CNN has relentlessly attacked Scientology. I am not interested.
