While Nancy Grace victimizes yet another young girl, Alec Baldwin has made the best move of his life. Staying with an agent shared by his estranged spouse was a complete conflict of interest. I admire his naivete in believing it could be anything but. Go get 'em, Alec. A fulfilling parenthood awaits. Evidently, you couldn't find it with Kim.
Alec Baldwin is burning bridges at a rapid clip these days.
The Golden Globe winner parted ways with Creative Artists Agency and longtime agents Matt DelPiano and Michael Rosenfeld on Monday, according to a CAA spokesman.
While no official reason for the split was given, Baldwin's publicist, Matthew Hiltzik, told E! Online that the actor made the move "strictly for personal reasons. It has absolutely nothing to do with his extremely talented agents who've done great work with Alec."
CAA, which moved from Beverly Hills to larger quarters in Century City in January, also reps Baldwin's ex-wife, Kim Basinger. The tabloid-worthy side of their years-long custody battle was rekindled last week when a recording of an irate, profanity-laced voicemail Baldwin left for their 11-year-old daughter was leaked to the press.
Kim Basinger has reportedly hired round-the-clock protection to keep ex-husband Alec Baldwin from their 11-year-old daughter.
According to the New York Post, the Oscar-winning actress stepped up security around her Los Angeles home after Baldwin called daughter Ireland a "rude, thoughtless little pig" during a recorded telephone conversation.
The actor has since apologized publicly and in private to his daughter after the conversion was leaked on the Internet.
A friend of Baldwin's tells the Post, "This is a desperate plea for sympathy when the only danger to the child is inside her own home.
"What kind of parent leaks a voicemail that causes her daughter significant embarrassment and unneeded attention?"
According to the New York Post, the Oscar-winning actress stepped up security around her Los Angeles home after Baldwin called daughter Ireland a "rude, thoughtless little pig" during a recorded telephone conversation.
The actor has since apologized publicly and in private to his daughter after the conversion was leaked on the Internet.
A friend of Baldwin's tells the Post, "This is a desperate plea for sympathy when the only danger to the child is inside her own home.
"What kind of parent leaks a voicemail that causes her daughter significant embarrassment and unneeded attention?"
Kim Basinger denies she leaked a voice mail in which her ex-husband, Alec Baldwin, calls their 11-year-old daughter a "rude, thoughtless little pig." "Kim Basinger did not release the voice mail. Additionally, the voice mail was not sealed under a court order," the actress's publicist, Annett Wolf, said in a statement Monday.
Baldwin left a voice mail lambasting his daughter, Ireland, for failing to answer the telephone for a prearranged call. The tape was aired by the celebrity Web site TMZ.com on Thursday and made headlines around the world. A Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner ordered Baldwin to stay away from his daughter pending a May 4 hearing. Baldwin, who has been locked in a custody dispute with Basinger since their 2002 divorce, blamed her for the leak on Friday. He also apologized on his own Web site for "losing my temper with my child."
In the wake of Alec Baldwin's threatening message to his "thoughtless little pig"/daughter Ireland, his "pain in the ass" ex-wife Kim Basinger just scored a fat new modeling deal with beauty giant, Coty.
That's gotta hurt.The 53-year-old will represent the Lancaster skincare line, which calls itself the "anti-ageing expert," in their new ad campaigns worldwide, except in the United States. Doh! Basinger's new gig brings her back to her cover girl roots, as the former Breck girl was a Ford model in the 70s.One can only imagine what Alec has to say about this!
A Norma Desmond Moment for Alec Baldwin
Kim Basinger's slap shot at her ex-husband may end up slapping her in the face
Kim Basinger's slap shot at her ex-husband may end up slapping her in the face
And yet, I think in the long run society will cast a more sympathetic eye on Baldwin.First, here is a man whose career is on the rebound (busy, busy, busy), and who nevertheless religiously and meticulously makes time to call his daughter. He is to be commended for struggling to stay in his daughter's life. His outburst was prompted by the extreme frustration he felt because his daughter was ignoring his efforts to keep in close contact.
Some day, long after this latest episode has blown over and is forgotten, Mr. Baldwin's daughter will feel sad about the way she treated her dad when he was struggling to stay in touch. Ross Werland made this point in the Chicago Tribune (April 20) when he noted, "a lot of non-custodial parents sure know what he's feeling."
After all, in most divorces there are two parents, a custodial parent and a non-custodial parent. Divorce lore is littered with episodes of harassment by the custodial parent, which results in tragedy inflicted as revenge by the non-custodial parent. At least half of the divorced population will sympathize with Baldwin. Here is a man struggling to stay in touch with his daughter-just as she's on the cusp of an age where she will need "dad" more than everand he is being blown off by daughter and vengeful mother.
No one can condone Mr. Baldwin's outburst. It was unfortunate. But, as Jesus might remind us, all of you perfect people round up your stones and get in line.
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