Saturday, March 31, 2007

First Cooper hypes the audience for what they really tuned for, namely the delicious "Chocolate Jesus" and then lays into the Iran situation as if there were going to be a war over an incident. RATHER THAN, actually presenting the facts in a way they are unfolding in an effort to find the truth and act on it internationally.

Cooper's version:

COOPER: General Marks, how much of this is directed toward Britain, I mean, this action of seizing the British? Obviously, it's -- part of it is to weaken British resolve in Iraq. But -- but also, it seems a very clever way at -- at getting at the U.S. as well.

MARKS: Well, it is. Truly, there are some -- you know, there are Quds Force forces that are being held in Iraq. And I'm sure the Iranians feel that there's a causal link between this pressure on Great Britain, the relationship between the Brits, as members of the coalition and the United States.

So, this truly may be a form of asymmetric type of pressure. Clearly, the decision is with the United States, or they have already made the decision not to get involved directly. And I would tell you that those are the communications that are taking place between both Washington and London, that this is going to be bilateral.

The Brits have got to deal with the Iranians. But the United States will remain very covert and will support in any way that the Brits are asking.


Blair: 1,600 troops to leave Iraq
POSTED: 1:28 p.m. EST, February 21, 2007

"The actual reduction in forces will be from the present 7,100 -- itself down from over 9,000 two years ago and 40,000 at the time of the conflict -- to roughly 5,500," Blair said.

He said the withdrawal reflected the relative stability in Basra, where the sectarian rifts that have turned Baghdad and northern Iraq into a powderkeg are less of a problem.

EITHER THE BRITISH WERE IN IRANIAN waters or they weren't.

I don't believe that is clearly established.

The Brits and Iran are still playing volleyball with that issue and the world is left to quess. The 'idea' that Iran had ulterior motives in forcing Britain from Iraq is grossly unclear in the evidence the Brits are leaving anyway. A 5000 or so force in Iraq is for diplomatic purposes only. There is always hope that Iraq will actually become a country whereby benevolence and diplomacy including visits from international business men would become an everyday event. So, for 5000 British soldiers to remain in Iraq is more or less to assist with diplomats, consulates and United Nation personnel more than anything else. If one divides 5000 into let's say three 'on duty' shift for five days per week (in other words a forty hour week), what is left is 125 'on duty' personnel at any one time.

So, to take Cooper seriously as well as his talking head general is hideous and simply realized as an inflammatory 'newsy' SHOW.

As to what is actually happening:

It seems as though Russia is taking the lead on Iran and the trespassing issue. No surprise here. The USA just rather bomb the Iranians and invade for it's oil and gas. Russia on the other hand is always interested in 'stable political states.' SO, am I surprised Russia, under Putin's leadership, is the first to move before the UN for a truth telling session? No.

Moscow calls for UN probe into capture of U.K. seamen by Iran (click on)

MOSCOW, March 30 (RIA Novosti) - The United Nations secretariat should conduct an independent investigation into the detention of 15 British seamen by Iran, Russia's Foreign Ministry said Friday.

"Taking into account that the British side insists that its servicemen were fulfilling their UN Security Council mandate, we believe the UN Secretariat should prepare an independent report on the incident shortly," the ministry said following a meeting between Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Yakovenko and British Ambassador to Russia Tony Brenton.

Iran detained the British sailors in the Gulf last Friday for allegedly violating its maritime border with Iraq. Britain insists its servicemen were captured in Iraqi waters when returning to the HMS Cornwall after patrolling oil platforms under a UN mandate.

Yakovenko said the incident called for a thorough investigation, and Brenton said his country would promptly provide the UN with relevant information, the ministry said. It added that the diplomats had agreed to continue discussing the matter.

London earlier cited satellite data, saying the sailors were 1.7 nautical miles away from Iraq's maritime border with Iran.

Western agencies reported Friday that the European Union had demanded the immediate release of the seamen at an informal meeting of its foreign ministers, which was dominated by discussions of pressing international problems in Germany's Bremen Friday.

London froze official bilateral contacts, suspended the issuance of visas to Iranian officials and referred the situation to the UN Security Council Wednesday. The UN has expressed "grave concern" over the sailors' capture.

WHEN LITTLE ANDY COOPER finally grows up, he might find out that the world is actually interested in 'the truth' rather than the Jesus Hype to find a viewership he can call 'his own.' How touching.

WHY THE OPPOSITION by Bush to the Senate and House Bills demanding an exit strategy from Iraq? Is it actually for the purpose of bringing stability to Iraq? No, it's because Bush wants to invade Iran and further destabilize the Middle East.

U.S. ready to strike Iran in early April - intelligence source -1 (click on)

MOSCOW, March 30 (RIA Novosti) - Russian intelligence has information that the U.S. Armed Forces have nearly completed preparations for a possible military operation against Iran, and will be ready to strike in early April, a security official said.

The source said the U.S. had already compiled a list of possible targets on Iranian territory and practiced the operation during recent exercises in the Persian Gulf.

"Russian intelligence has information that the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in the Persian Gulf have nearly completed preparations for a missile strike against Iranian territory," the source said.

American commanders will be ready to carry out the attack in early April, but it will be up to the country's political leadership to decide if and when to attack, the source said.

Official data says America's military presence in the region has reached the level of March 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq.

The U.S. has not excluded the military option in negotiations on Iran over its refusal to abandon its nuclear program. The UN Security Council passed a new resolution on Iran Saturday toughening economic sanctions against the country and accepting the possibility of a military solution to the crisis.

The source said the Pentagon could decide to conduct ground operations as well after assessing the damage done to the Iranian forces by its possible missile strikes and analyzing the political situation in the country following the attacks.

A senior Russian security official cited military intelligence earlier as saying U.S. Armed Forces had recently intensified training for air and ground operations against Iran.

"The Pentagon has drafted a highly effective plan that will allow the Americans to bring Iran to its knees at minimal cost," the official said.

Russian Col.-Gen. Leonid Ivashov, vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said last week the Pentagon was planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran's military infrastructure in the near future.

"I have no doubt there will be an operation, or rather an aggressive action against Iran," Ivashov said, commenting on media reports about U.S. planned operation against Iran, codenamed Operation Bite.

A new U.S. carrier battle group has been dispatched to the Gulf. The USS John C. Stennis, with a crew of 3,200 and around 80 fixed-wing aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, eight support ships and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf, where a similar group led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been deployed since December 2006. The U.S. is also sending Patriot anti-missile systems to the region.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, however, was rather optimistic about the situation and said he ruled out a military resolution of the Iranian nuclear problem.

"We are constantly working on how to resolve the situation around the Iranian nuclear program and other conflicts peacefully," Lavrov said. "This policy is unchanged and we will pursue it in the future."

Russia and the U.S. are two of the six negotiators on Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is aimed at generating energy.

THIS IS ALSO WHY 'The New York Times' is blacking out their message boards. Too much static about an invasion that is already known to be planned.

BUSH AND CHENEY 'THE DESPERATE' are attempting WW III. Ain't it great?

EU lawmakers split on U.S. missile shield plan (click on)

By Mark John

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. plans to site a missile shield in the Czech Republic and Poland (click on) sparked disagreement among lawmakers in a fierce European Parliament debate on Thursday, highlighting the risk of an EU rift over the project.

THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND POLAND IS the Russian border. Placing missile shield technology in those countries is to give Europe a false sense of security. Russia won't shot itself in the foot by embarking on a border war with ground troops. It will take on the USA military with an airstrike that will wipe out the forces in Iraq alone in no time. The USA won't have time to react as it will need a lot more Air Force clout than is available in the region. Who is kidding who here? Bush thinks the Iranians and Russians will lay down and worship their new freedoms/anarchy just like the Iraqis did. Bush is an idiot and Cheney swears to it.

No U.S. missile shield elements deployment in Russia - ministry-1 (click on)

MOSCOW, March 31 (RIA Novosti) - A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry denied Saturday media reports that Russia proposed the United States to deploy elements of missile defense shield on its territory.

On Friday some West mass media sources reported that Russia had proposed the United States to deploy elements of missile defense shield on its territory if Washington refuses its plans for Central Europe.

"The reports do not correspond with reality and do not reflect Russia's stance on the [U.S.] missile shield issue," Mikhail Kamynin said.

BUSH IS LOSING HIS GRIP ON CONTROL for cronys. He is determined to compromise the USA security REGARDLESS of it's ability to 'handle it' militarily. Bush doesn't have loyalty to the USA actually, he has loyalty where his family has invested heavily, namely China and oil. He'll stop at nothing to obtain the world's supply of oil. He'll invade countries illegally and viciously in the face of every peace initiative 'on the table' and he'll melt down every ice field on Earth. He doesn't care.

He and Cheney need to be impeached before they set the globe on fire. Russia and China will put an end to it and the USA won't exist anymore. The reason. To benefit human dignity and salvage what is left to propagate human life.

THERE AREN'T ANY SURPRISES HERE, is there? I mean really. There isn't to me, I've just been waiting for it to build enough steam to make the appearance in public. No State of the Union address this time, they tried that already.
