Thursday, March 15, 2007

9:21 PM

Mitt Romney - AKA Bush, Jr.

"Everything is so partisan in DC, I can change that..."

To begin the partisanship is caused by his party. I do believe it was Georgie that said, "I am a uniter and not a divider."

But, yet, Romney admits Georgie was never able to unit the nation. Yet, he is going to. Right.

King :: Would you vote for an atheist if that person represented every view you agreed with?

Romney never answered. He stated; "...he believed the nation is looking for a man of faith to lead the nation..."

So, therefore, Romney is a religous bigot. He is intolerant of people that are of absence of faith regardless of their agreement with all his political views.


Stay the course.

The future of Iraq according to Romney includes the breakdown of every nation-state in the region if the USA leaves Iraq. Unless he knows differently, the USA is strickly involved in an illegal war in Iraq and not the region. Last I heard the Bush White House has so mishandled the invasion into Iraq that the USA has no residual military to even think about looking at expanding the war into Syria, Iran or the Kurdish region of Turkey. So, what is he talking about? We aren't supposed to be in any of the countries he stated would be adversely affected and if we are then it is still another illegal invasion.

There are innocent people dying in Iraq everyday.

There are innocent people dying in Iraq everyday.

There are innocent people dying in Iraq everyday.









violence !

We serve as a stimulant to the violence in the Heart of Islam.

Iraq is another Vietnam. The USA just needs to leave.

Romeny is treating Iraq just as everyone whom justified Vietnam did. The Domino Effect. If Iraq falls into the wrong hands so will the region.

Iraq has so much rebuidling to do they will be very busy, no different than Vietnam did, when the USA troops are out of that country. Romney has no ANSWER for Iraq because it is an illegal war. Iraq today, no different than four years ago, poses no threat to the USA. NONE.

JIhadists are the enemy of Romney. That is making some very broad strokes as jihadists are in nearly every nation in the Middle East and it could be argued they are thorughout the world. So, if jihadists are his enemy, he might want to start to settle the Mideeast Peace by first settling that peace between Palestine and Isreal.

Additionally, if Mr. Romney believes the jihadists of 911 are his primary focus ... well...that was lost a long time ago by Bush. He lost Afghanistan by pursuing Cheney's oil war to benefit Halliburton. So, if Romney is stating he has to return to Afghanistan, then he needs to leave Iraq to do it. Most of the military personnel from Iraq are either dead or disabled. At least the ones the VA are willing to treat.

If it weren't for Bush's draconian and immoral recruitment of young people in the USA with every deception that can be mustered, the USA military would have packed up and returned home a long time ago. The 'larger' military of the USA has been defeated in Iraq as well. The deaths and disabled when realized the damage to the USA miltiary is significant and at this stage of the war is far higher than any of Vietnam. The years of Iraq currently could easily be reflective of the height of Vietnam in the numbers of 'affected' military with the difference being the and are being effected.

The Iraq Was is lost. By sheer numbers alone in the 'affected' military personnel the USA is already defeated. The American 'Dead Enders' just haven't gotten that message yet.

Genetic Research

This is so obvious it's a crime. Romney ranted about embryos and genetic research as it exists today as the correct methodology which has been proven to be ineffective. Yet. His wife sitting right next to him has MS. Multiple Sclerosis has no cure and Romney would deprive his wife of a cure. That is case in point of the religiously obsessed. In leadership they put their personal values ahead of the best interest of the public. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pier review gentic research when it is attempting to achieve cures for illness. The electorate either wants a change in the direction of this nation and it's is willing to wallow in religious stagnation for another decade of helplessness, hopelessness and indulgent pandering to pharmaceutical companies. I just don't see it.

Romeny answered nothing about Human Induced Global Warming. He never addressed the impoverishment of America and it's disappearing Middle Class. He stated he would continue to act as Bush has done by decreasing taxes and government spending. The exception of course would be his 'stay the course ' in Iraq as well as his world wide focus on jihadists.

In regard to homosexuals; Massachusetts was the first state to declare through their State Supreme Court that all human beings had the Civil Right of marriage. In that though, Mr. Romney has taken 'the bigoted party line' and asked General Pace to write his policy for the presidential elections.

General brands gays as ‘immoral’ (click on)

By Pauline Jelinek - Associated Press
Mar 15, 2007, 20:35 Email this article
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Pace expresses regret for airing personal view, refuses to apologize

JUST FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE. Immorality in sexual conduct is a religious bigoted attitude, personal or not. It is not dictated by society. Although being bigoted while the USA Military is in Islam and an occupier, it is not globally viewed as a reasonable point of view. This is typical of the macho military identity. Considering the generals of the USA are becoming an endangered species, I imagine they could get away with murder and Bush would find no fault in it.

Bush, Jr. Romney is the son Bush never had. He should endorse him.