Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The CNN rant is an issue AGAIN.

Michael Ware needs to get his nose fixed in more ways than one. He reports that for over a year the munitions of the Shia militias were being supplied by Iran. Now, that it is an issue in 'selling' an attack on Iran the political opposition in the USA is making false scenarios that these are munitions being assembled in Iraq.

Well, they might be. But, I find it interesting that an entire year has gone by before any of these concerns were manifested. In addition, CNN completely ignores that fact that the USA is unable to protect these people and only run raids to say they are doing something to 'earn' their monies from Congress.

John McCain calls the American initiative as "Wack a Mole" and therefore needs more troops. That 'Wack a Mole' form of 'defense' measure is designed to reduce arms that will kill Americans. It has absolutely nothing to do with the safety of the Iraqi people.

The Shias continue to be assaulted by American forces that remove their ability to protect themselves from Sunni militias that set off suicide bombs. There are many camps of 'defense' in Iraq. The Sunni camp. The Shia camp. The Kurd camp. The al Qaeda camp. The American coalition camp. Each have their own ways of rendering 'defense' measures. None serve the purpose of the other, hence, there is a civil war between all five entities of which the American coalition has the least casualities.

The Shia have an ally. It is NOT the American coalition. It is a weapon component supplier somewhere in Iran. It is an independant contractor no different than the independant contractors that the Bush White House gives billions of dollars to a year. There is an economy surrounding the survival of all these groups. Considering the amount of money pored into Iraq by the USA, it is safe to say we are the most 'inefficient' warriors in the region.

The only way to stop this insanity is to remove the American forces from the region along with it's funding. The USA is defeated in Iraq with attacks into American instillations and into The Green Zone. The only reason the 'presence' of the USA continues is because it is a political advantage to the Republican Party to focus in Iraq and it's continued folly while stating, "...but, but, but the Democrats don't have a better solutions except retreat."

When a war is illegally contrived and illegally fought and by the virtue of it's 'nature' is highly immoral from every international impetus for war, then there is every reason to believe the USA IS THE ENEMY and NO, there is no strategy that will work to 'win' the war when there is every reason to believe by the rest of the world that should not occur.

For the USA to continue in Iraq for ANY REASON is not only "W"rong but inflammatory to any peaceful resolution for the people of Iraq. The best solution for Iraq REMAINS partitioning into regional authorities with defendable borders. The raids on Shia munition depots is meaningless in the long view to this directive. The goal in Iraq is to first stop the killing. If the militias are best at supplying that goal then they should be left alone to do it. The USA is simply raiding the methods that will lead to stability while calling it a defense of their posture. It's "W"rongly conceived and "W"rongly deployed and only leads to more and more problems with exacerbations of successful Sunni suicide attacks on Shia.

We need to leave Iraq and leave the people there to their own methods of resolving this Civil War. Converting their economy of war to an economy of pilgramage and trade is the hardest task before the Iraqi people of all ethnicities. It cannot be achieved with warring Americans chronically raiding their militias. The militias are their daily protection, not the USA.

The only economic interest the USA has in Iraq is oil. This invasion was for the purpose of dominating the oil supply of Iraq to carry out even greater war in the region and that is noted with the new aspirations of rantings against Iran. Iran is not even close to any attack on anyone. Any attack on Iran would result in more genocidal motives by Sunni nations to end the existance of the Shia. We cannot and will not be a part of this. As soon as Iran and the Shia nations in the region have assurances of survival and more than survival a way of life and longevity the sooner they will no longer be a threat to nations such as Israel.

The way to peace in the Middle East is to settle the chronic attacks against the Shia throughout the region including Hizbollah. Peace in the Middle East includes a nation called Palestine and an understanding that the Shi'ites are a recognized religion with legitimate standing there.
