Friday, March 23, 2007

Give it up Anderson, we are onto you ! CNN has become the propaganda network for Bush's agenda. This was last night's show after Andy talked about "Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh no !"

COOPER: Some of the images taken by our photographer, Jeff Hutchens from Getty Images. We've been dealing with trafficking this week in Southeast Asia, trafficking of humans as well as animals.

Tonight an update on a story about the sex trade here in Phnom Penh. It is about a former prostitute who has turned her life around and is trying to help others. CNN's Dan Rivers first brought us the report. Dan joins us now. Dan?

DAN RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): We featured Samaly Mam, this former prostitute, as you say, a couple of days ago. She came from a red light district like this, she was sold into the sex trade. She escaped. And set up her own charity rescuing children from brothels. Now she's rescued about 150 kids. But one kid in particular, a six-year-old girl called Shray (ph), has really touched Samaly's heart and it's an incredibly powerful story. I met them both. It's all the more powerful when you realize that Shray is HIV positive.


SAMALY MAM, SAMALYMAM.ORG: It's hard for her to talk about her story. I don't want to remember. She had been young, five, around five years old.

RIVERS: She was five and she was working in a brothel?

MAM: Se was working in a brothel. Her mommy sell her with her sister to the brothel. Sometime she's talk about rape.

RIVERS: Talks about rape?

MAM: Yeah. She say to me like, the guy rape her. But I just say to her, if she wants to speak, she can speak, if not, but I don't want her to remember to speak. All the rest of the time I want her to play.

RIVERS: What condition was Shray in when you first saw her in the brothel?

MAM: I cannot believe it. I saw her in the brothel when the police take her. She's too small. And she's sad. She's crying a lot. And I just take her like this. You know, she look at me and -- I know that even she didn't talk to me but she say, like, please help me. Like, mommy, please. And I take her and put her in my car.

RIVERS: Tell me about the health problems that Shray has.

MAM: She's very sick. She has HIV-AIDS. She has problems of pneumonia. You know she just say to me, mommy, she call me her mother -- and I'm going to die for sure. And I say to her, no, no, no, don't worry. She say like, why I take a lot of medicine.

RIVERS: People watching this will be horrified that a girl of six was working in a brothel.

MAM: I want all of the people to, you know, like pay attention of this problem. Because this problem, like we talk a lot, more than 10 years we talk about the children trafficking, child exploitation but nothing done. She's going to die for sure. And I don't know, I just want her to be happy.


COOPER: You know, it's easy to get complacent about a lot of problems in the world but a five-year-old child, sold into slavery by her own parents. It just boggles the mind. RIVERS: Apparently, these kids are sold by their parents, sometimes for about $600. They can be sold to Cambodian men or to western sex tourists that come here. The other horrifying aspect sometimes they're rented out to johns that come here looking for a child sex for perhaps as low as $50 a week.

COOPER: And what is the future hold for his little girl? She's six years old now. She is HIV positive. Is she getting medicine?

RIVERS: She's getting medicine, she is getting treatment. The treatment here is obviously not as good as it would be in America or in Europe. But she is getting treatment. But she also has pneumonia, she has T.B. and that's apart from the psychological trauma that she suffered. You can imagine what she's gone through at such a young age when she's just being formed as a person.

COOPER: And we're in the area which is really essentially the red light district in Phnom Penh trying to highlight the issue. And yet, prostitution is illegal in Cambodia and yet it's going on all the time. The authorities know about it. It's not as if this is some sort of a secret. Nicholas Kristof has reported in the past there's collusion between the authorities and the brothel owners, sometimes even the police are owning these brothels.

RIVERS: Absolutely. And when you realize that this is probably one of the number one destinations in the world for this kind of thing, and yet last year there were only 400, I think, arrests to do with child sex, prostitution, I mean it's a really tiny fraction that the police have managed to tackle. And as you say you walk around places like this, it's all pretty open at night. No one's hiding it. You don't have to look far around here to see prostitutes. And you don't have to dig far to find children ...

COOPER: What is her organization's name? If people see this and want to ...

RIVERS: It's is the Web site. If people want to help, log on, donate money. She does a great job.

COOPER: Samaly is spelled ...


COOPER: And Mam?


COOPER: M-A-M. Dan, appreciate it. Thank you. Remarkable reporting. Incredible story.

Up next we'll take you back to the U.S. Remember when the nation was transfixed by the hunt for the man who fatally shot a judge in a crowded Georgia courtroom?

GUESS WHERE Attorney General Gonzalez is today?

Gonzales Seeks Damage Repair with Prosecutors (click on)

IN THE MIDWEST. And what is he talking about?

...Thursday, while in St. Louis to promote a campaign against child sexual exploitation, Gonzales met face-to-face with two federal prosecutors...

I'll be darn. Anderson Cooper 360, the propaganda king for Bush. You know, Andy, I would even back you up if these men weren't such incompetents. How can I say that about the blatant liar we now call an Attorney General? Because he is not winning any cases regarding that pleases the Bush Constituency.

Supreme Court overturns Kerby conviction (click on)

By Nathan Gonzalez The Daily Times
Article Launched: 03/22/2007 12:00:00 AM MDT

FARMINGTON — Apple grower Leslie Kerby should have never been tried on molestation charges because the victim waited too long to come forward with her allegations, the state Supreme Court ruled.
A jury convicted Kerby in April 2003 on three charges of criminal sexual contact of a minor for molesting a 6-year-old girl in the late 1980s.

However, because the victim waited more than 15 years to come forward with her allegations, the statute of limitations — a set time limit in which a person can be charged with a crime, in this case five years — should have barred any charges from being filed against Kerby, who operates Farmington's Kerby Orchard.

"Because it is clear that he would not have been convicted had the statute of limitations defense been raised, we hereby vacate the defendant's convictions," wrote Supreme Court Justice Patricio Serna.

The March 16 ruling, in which four other justices agreed, overturns Kerby's conviction.

Though Kerby's record of the case is wiped clean, Deputy District Attorney



AND, many, many more, including...

ACLU Wins Pornography Case Against Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez – Child Online Protection Act (COPA) Ruled Unconstitutional (click on)

(Best Syndication) A U.S. District Court Judge ruled in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Thursday, deciding that the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) violated the Free Speech clause in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Judge Lowell A. Reed said that although he sympathized with the intent of the law, the legislation was flawed.

The ACLU called the legislation “draconian”. The COPA imposed criminal sanctions, with penalties of up to $50,000 per day and up to six months imprisonment, for webmasters who had pornography posted on their site.

Although the law was passed in 1998, the courts immediately forbade the government from enforcing it because it suppressed a substantial amount of constitutionally protected speech. ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero said "After nearly a decade of legal proceedings, the First Amendment has emerged victorious from the government’s illegal attempt at online censorship.”

THE PEOPLE ANDERSON COOPER 360 PANDERS to are treasonists against the USA Constitution and will do anything, including misleading an entire constituency down 'the Niger yellow cake (brick) road' in order to achieve their agenda of corruption.

Anderson, get on the 'right side' of decency, including the fact we all have to live with freedom of expression in the way pronography exists while making the best laws we can to protect children. The world is not perfect Anderson. Get over it or get off the air !

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know we are not in Kansas anymore, but, for Bush to beat around the Bush for six years with our national security hanging in the balance seems stupid to continue to live with The Wizard of Oz in the White House.