Monday, May 28, 2007


You got it "W"rong Anderson. I don't support the troops in the way you state it. I support the fact the troops need to be protected from their generals and Commander and Chief, but, I do not at all support their missions.


PTSD - Well, you know Anderson that is just no problem at all. Bush's cronies produce all kinds of pharmceuticals and the only real hurdle is getting an appointment with the VA. So, all and all these soldiers are mostly given up from having a real life post Iraq. Right? I mean supporting the troops and all the way you do. Right? These folks are so 'lost' to the system they won't ever have a life. They know it too. "The soldiers that ask get the best help available." You. Are. A. Liar. You. Had. A. Segment months ago about a soldier that killed himself as noted by his mother because he was turned away from help. But. Hey. So long as you say it as stated by 'the authorities' of the USA somewhere in the 'black hole' of the Bush Administration it must be fact, right, Anderson. I mean you believe in stenography, right? Oh, wait, you call it 'emoting journalism.' That tried and true 'technique' noted in a lab before unleashing it on the public.


Do you know Anderson that most raped women suffer for the rest of their lives from PTSD. Do you know those women suffer while most of the time their rapists walk. Interesting, huh?

Virtual Iraq. It is the 'virtual PTSD' video game we have all longer for, I am sure. I am so tired of this dribble.


Gupta, "This treatment is on a limited basis." He presents himself that is as scarred as the men and women coming back from Iraq. Insulting. I realize he volunteered his services as a surgeon on occassion but that isn't combat. That isn't facing your own death relentlessly. CNN is all about phoney bonding STILL.

I want to see that 'phoney' commercail from "I rock" Prudential. You know the one that repeatedly states, "I rock" as if it were Iraq. Somehow that is supposed to get those that listen to it or watch to 'accept' Iraq as an accepted aspect of life similar to 'The Rock - Prudential.' Give me a break.

And they have the nerve to call it journalism. It's propaganda.
