Violence on the streets: Smoke billows from the site of a car bomb in central Baghdad on Monday - This scene is no different three years later.
Congressman Chris Shays (click here) runs his 'rhetoric' again and again and again today it happened on CNN's Late Edition.
It is completely objectionable to realize Bush and Cheney has 'created' a crisis in a sovereign country 'making' a so called 'front on the 'War on Terror.' Then to realize Republicans like Shays come along and say it is OUR obligation to risk American lives and treasure on a completely illegal war.
His rational is even more outrageous. Shays is stating "We have an obligation to 'replace' the Iraqi military after the invasion which took it away."
Shays goes on to state, incomplete denial of the facts, that if the USA was asked to leave Iraq we would.
Grim Numbers (click here)
A U.S.-sponsored poll shows Iraqis have lost confidence in the occupying authorities—and that the majority of Iraqis want Coalition troops out of the country.
...According to the poll, a mere 1 percent of Iraqis now feel that the Coalition forces contribute most to their sense of security; only 18 percent described Iraqi police the same way. By contrast, a total of 71 percent said they depended mostly on their family and friends and neighbors for security....
This is a 2004 poll and the USA is STILL occupying that country.
Poll: Most Iraqis favor U.S. pullout in a year (click here)
(CNN) -- Seventy-one percent of Iraqis responding to a new survey favor a commitment by U.S.-led forces in Iraq to withdraw in a year.
This is a 2006 poll and the USA is STILL occupying that country.
Poll of Iraqis: Public Wants Timetable for US Withdrawal, but Thinks US Plans Permanent Bases in Iraq (click here)
Half of Iraqis Approve of Attacks on US Forces, Including 9 Out of 10 Sunnis
A new poll of the Iraqi public finds that a large majority of Iraqis think the US plans to maintain bases in Iraq permanently, even if the newly elected government asks the US to leave. A large majority favors setting a timeline for the withdrawal of US forces, though this majority divides over whether the timeline should be over a period of six months or two years. Nearly half of Iraqis approve of attacks on US-led forces—including nine out of 10 Sunnis. Most Iraqis believe that many aspects of their lives will improve once the US-led forces leave, but are nonetheless uncertain that Iraqi security forces are ready to stand on their own....
This is a 2007 poll !
The Republicans didn't listen to the Iraqi people for four years running now. Back in 2002 and 2003, pre-invasion, the diplomats of Iraq at the United Nations repeatedly stated there were WMD in Iraq. The 'dispatched' UN Inspectors stated there were no WMD in Iraq. Did that stop the Bush/Cheney PLANS to build a 'front for 'The War on Terror?"Heck no. They plowed ahead while selling their lies and creating a 'Cult-ure of Fear' in the USA.
When Bush, Cheney and their Cabinet launched an illegal war into a sovereign country it was without the concensus of the United Nations OR the USA legislature. But, they plowed ahead just the same and it was quite late to reject the invasion after Bush proceeded and the USA legislature had no choice in supporting the USA military beyond the initial invasion. The hopes were that Iraq would embrace the freedom before them and in that control any uprising and hence the violence would never occur.
That reality was 'played' before the public as well in that the 'old Saddam regime' had to go and therefore the entire infrastructure of Iraq had to be replaced. THAT realizing now there was absolutely NO post invasion strategy for securing the country and preventing anarchy. The gross mismanagement of the post invasion reality now before Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld on March 21, 2003 and the warnings of their generals PRE-invasion resulted in complete breakdown of the Iraqi national security and turned loose every sectarian fear that was successfully oppressed up to that point. Every Iraqi in that country today that was alive on March 18, 2003 will clearly state while living under Saddam was a horror all it's own, they knew somewhat how to deal with it and quality of life then far exceeded ANYTHING that has occurred since.
The REASON the Bush/Cheney White House 'desired' to RELOCATE the 'Front on The War on Terror' to Iraq is because of the oil glut. Just that simple. The only aspect of security in Iraq focused on post invasion has been oil fields. That was a priority right from the beginning and Bush made it appear as though he was taking environmental control of burning oil fields. I laughed at the thought since there were no burning oil fires before the invasion and evidently THAT priority wasn't a concern then.
So to Bush and Cheney the 'opportunity' for war was based on LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. The real estate was more important than the enemy.
Since this outrageous invasion, Iran has elected a completely fundamental leadership against their own best security interest and that is playing out now in a shift in election choices resulting in a president using hostages for his own form of propaganda. Not only that but a nuclear reactor that is touted by the region as a 'good excuse' for the Middle East to apply nukes to their military arsenals. It's simply amazing the vast economic boom this has been to the Bush/Cheney cronies ACROSS THE BOARD including their propagandists.
The outrage currently in Iraq is that Sunnis are feeling more justified than ever to kill Americans and in return, 'in pure Bush style' those causing the trouble are then rewarded for their efforts. The Sunni Arabs, including Saudi Arabia, are now being armed by this administration while the Shi'ites are being victimized in the Bush propaganda network 'as the problem.'
Sorry, but, I just don't need the Saudi or Iraqi oil enough to cause a genocide against the Shia.
I propose this. I think the USA 'should sincerely' cause more anarchy. This time we can cause it in the USA while this administration including the rhetorical Republican Congress are hauled off to The World Court because we are killing people and causing tragedy widely across a sovereign nation that should have never been invaded in the first place.The Baghdad issue is a non-issue. There is no Baghdad. There is a battlefield that is more unsecured today while Shi'ites are being assaulted by the USA military with the help of STILL ANGRY Sunnis. There is no threat from al Qaeda in Iraq that won't disappear as soon as the USA is out of that country.
Iraq is as much a disaster today as Afghanistan was on September 11, 2001 except Iraq remains disarmed as it was Pre-Invasion. Things can ONLY get better in Iraq under leadership the Iraqis feel confident will secure their communities.
Iran and Saudi Arabia need to lay down any intention to arm themselves to the point of war between each other and divide the responsibility of securing Iraq internally to provide stable borders shared with neighboring countries. The fear of the people in Iraq is so high that rational government is not possible. Basically, there is no Iraq.
In regard to the Kurds; Turkey has secured it's borders in the face of growing tensions with northern Iraq and extremists within the ethnicity of the Kurds. So long as the Turks stand their post in protecting their border and hence further invasion into that country from the Kurds I don't see a problem, but, to realize the Turks might 'use the instability' with the Kurdish extremists as a reason to invade Northern Iraq is simply outrageous. If that happens then Turkey has mutually agreed with the Kurds to war over Kurdistan and the USA has no place in that, AT ALL. If the USA was ever to 'back' Turkey then what was the purpose of The No Fly Zones and the thriving Kurdish ethnicity under the Northern No Fly Zone. If the USA were to 'back' Turkey there is ONLY ONE reason and that would again be OIL fields.
To listen to Congressman Shays rattle on and on about the patriarchal position of his party that Iraq needs the USA to stabilize their country is completely preposterous. The rhetorical Shays presumes the Iraqi people have no conscience for attacking Ameicans. THAT is bigotry. It is racism and it is high handed religious ridcule of a people more moral in their ideology than any Republican could ever hope to be.
The Iraqi people have leadership. They want their country to themselves. Imagine that, Iraq actually occupied ONLY by Iraqis. Those people are standing in the middle of a political ideology administered by puppets to Bush and they know it. They don't want it anymore and I don't blame them. In all honesty, the Iraqis have every right to their rebellion and then some.
A deescalation of the tensions between all ethnicities in the region is required and a competent diplomatic effort needs to be dispatched ASAP. I was quite pleased to realize the dynamic diplomatic effort with Pakistan by the Brits and I congratulate them. To realize Bhutto is actually given back her dignity among her people and there is conversation with Musharraf is an amazing accomplishment. That is what I call progress toward stability in a region of the world that is on fire without the assistance of Human Induced Global Warming.
We don't belong in Iraq.
We never did !
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