Friday, July 13, 2007

Micheal Moore, his producers and promoters need to file suit against CNN for plagarism. They are mimicking 'the methodology' of "SICKO" as it is unfolding on Larry King Live this evening. They are not interested in promoting the best interest of the nation as exhibited by Miles O'Brian on "The Situation Room." CNN is trying to 'capture' the 'political upper hand' by plagarizing Moore's genius and spinning it in the favor of profit.

Michael Moore is not present to faciliate, as a co-anchor, along with Sanjay Gupta and Larry King. CNN is attempting to replace Moore with Gupta.

Plagarism. There is no originality to this 2 hour travesty to the 'best interest' of the American People.

Life or Death, Michael. No one in this country or the filmmaking industry can surpass your methodology. It is unique. You need to patent it, but, it is already covered by legal processes that shows people literally 'stealing' your purpose in the form of documentary.

Get an injuction against them Michael, they are attempting to hurt you, Harvey and all those that benefit from the subjects you expose as corrupt. Do it. Just do it. You and Harvey want to facilitate a conversation for the nation. It won't possible in the hands of the inempt.

Stop being the 'nice guys' and the 'good guys' willing to give the USA a hand to get out of it's own way. Start living with the idea that Michael and Harvey are the ONLY nice guys in the USA with the capacity to help the American Public with their plight under the oppression of corporate profits.

Michael's sources could not be better. There is absolutely nothing that wrong with SICKO. It's called slander.

8:27 PM

There is 'preventive' medicine built into Medicare in the way of Mammograms. The New York Times is a huge advocate for those in need of quality care and have addressed the deficits in Medicare and Medicaid in this area of preventive care. Not only that but every person that comes to the hospital under Medicare is a candidate for 'home care services' for at least three months to educate and rehabilitate any person. This is simply a lie to bring skepticism and raise the 'possiblity' that ONLY reform is needed to the current medical insurances available to the American public. This is outrageous and a flat out lie.

Medicare Preventive Care Benefits (click here)

Medicare Rights Center

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Did you know that Medicare covers certain potentially life-saving preventive benefits? If you are eligible, Medicare will cover all or part of the cost of:

Initial physical exam
Screening tests for heart disease
Screening mammograms
Pap smears and pelvic exams
Bone mass measurement
Colon cancer screening
Prostate screening
Diabetes testing
Diabetes self-management training, foot care and supplies
Flu shot
Pneumonia vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccine
Glaucoma screening
Medical Nutritional Therapy

For further information on these benefits, please scroll down this page. Remember that your doctor may not always know what Medicare covers, so it is important to ask your doctor if you want any of these services. As long as you meet basic eligibility standards, you have the right to receive these services no matter which Medicare health plan you are enrolled in. However, be sure to follow the Medicare guidelines for receiving these services in order to ensure that Medicare will cover them. If your Medicare plan refuses to give you or pay for this care but your doctor says you are entitled, you should appeal their decision.

Note: If you would like detailed information about specific rules and policies for any of these services, call the National Medicare Hotline at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

8:35 PM

Michael have your own 'Town Hall Meetings.' No different than your college campaign after Fahrenheit 911. Patent it. Do it. Just do it. Provide admission to a percentage of the seats of people that normally could afford to be there. Just do it. No one else is trustworthy enough.

8:39 PM

Commercials concerning supplemental insurance plans to Medicare. Really?

I tell you want Michael. When you hold your Town Hall Sessions invite the Democratic Candidates that want to promote the issue with you. Give them a platform.

8:40 PM

Split screen of a woman promoting the insurance and access of all people of the country. The nay-sayer has 'attitude' toward the advocacy. Power attitude, too. Modeling for the opposition to change.

More split screens and this time with the face of Sanjay Gupta.

Oh and there is Mr. Attitude again.

8:45 PM

Commericals again, COX Cable, local ad; Block Island Ferry; "Bull Frog" mosquito spray; "Gold Bond" foot powder - health issue; "Garlique" - health promotion for self medication through herbal supplement for proper medical attention of a serious condtion called Hypercholesterolemia.

8:48 PM

Title of this mess tonight "American Health Care: In Crisis ?" - I didn't know there would be a question about a crisis when citizens die at the hand of their insurance companies. Split screens again.

8:51 PM

A King Cam participant incorporating the image of citizens interviewed by Moore in his film. Pargarism.

8:52 PM

Commercials - BMW after a commentator in the previous segment referred to American Health Care stated, "We are paying luxury car prices for jelopies." It is an attempt to recapture the image put forward.

"Enegy dot org" - promotes inappropriate strategies for America facing the realites of Human Induced Global Warming

"Saving Grace" - A promotion to Christian Fundamentalists to capture their attention to the 'concepts' of the program to counter Moore's SICKO.

Another NON-Commercial with people stating "That is the issue."

Followed by CNN's own promotion of itself while the letters of the promotion are typed across the screen.

8:56 PM

Sanjay Gupta and Mr. Attitude, advocating for a 'basic approach' to universal health care for Americans. No discussion at all about catatrophic health care and the beauty of a country willing to treat all the citizens incorporating the current 'investigational' therapies available at hospitals such as The Cleveland Clinic and Memorial Sloan Kettering. There is no reason in this country for anyone to suffer at the hand of deprivation and the threat of death at the hand of commercial insurers. The Amerian people under the leadership of people 'that can' will do better.

8:58 PM

End of the 'star performance' of Sanjay Gupta and onto the weird UFOs.

later...AC360 started the mess of degrading the quality of SICKO, may as well check him out tonight, too.