Friday, July 20, 2007

Heidi Collins of CNN acts as a stenographer to Bush. He appeared in the Rose Garden to 'hand the same rhetoric' to the American people. It's all he has after all. But, the reaction by CNN was more than interesting. The commentators are not commentators, they are stenographers to the words of the USA president George Bush.

In the face of CNN's own footage on Anderson Cooper 360 last night depicting 'the fact' the USA does not have control of it's battlefield and how the militias do, Heidi Collins simply added a female voice to the triumph of Bush's words. It's incredible to watch this incompetency. They are either suppressed from expressing descension in voicing what is already known regarding the arming by the USA of the insurgency/rebellion and the control that insurgency has the USA does not. There is absolutely no reason for the USA to be in Iraq as they have failed at every attempt of stabilizing that nation as a Unitified nation. The USA is simply becoming members of the insurgency to 'empower' them to an end that remains undefined except in the way it translates into politics in the USA.

Now, if I can make that observation based ONLY on information put forward on CNN programming then their commentators can as well. But, they don't because it is far better to back Bush and attempt to promote the Neocons in hopes of winning a Guiliani election in 2008.

Stenographers. CNN has no anchors. They have few journalists. Their anchors are stenographers and nothing more. It's the mess at FOX. Forget about the Wall Street Journal if it sells out to Murdock. It will lose it's quality in no time.