Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Planet in Peril"

The approach was probably effective. It was from the standpoint of addressing a 'whole world' system approach to species diversity. Said differently "Healthy Planet = Healthy Speices + Healthy People." That is a fairly accurate approach.

The program stayed away for the issues that relate to the USA's disregard for Human Induced Global Warming. It completely steers people's attention into believing others are responsible for what is the USA's responsiblity. The only segment regarding species introduction was the success with wolves of Yellowstone and that was praising the country for a successful program. I understand the intricacies in building a case for insuring biodiversity to the public and Mr. Corwin did it brilliantly with his camophlaged lizard and it's 'specialist' needs to insure survival. The point was well taken about the Lemurs and their need for a natural circumstance in order to reproduce and survive.

I think the approach to open the discussion regarding species depletion and the need for perserving the natural world and for humans to find a better way to avoid cancers and toxins was an excellant point. But, what hasn't been covered and perhaps will be tomorrow is the profound responsiblity of the USA as a hostile user of resources that increase CO2 and is definately responsible for a hot planet that leads to species demise. I hope the AC 360 team is not averting the responsibility of 'naming' the biggest CO2 contributor while ONLY seeking to praise a successful species reintroduction program in Yellowstone Park. I remind this same government wants to delist species for the sake of exploiting Old Growth Forest.

The Bush adminisration is famous for blaming China for CO2 emissions rather than taking responsiblity. In a way the program achieves that goal as well, look everywhere else for the problem but don't look to the USA.

The segment about China and how there are all sorts of 'ritual' species endangered is a valid point, but, that speaks to a culture that isn't taking care of it's people's health well enough. But, China has openly stated it will have national health care for all it's people within the next year or so. When that occurs a lot of these 'rituals' treatments will diminish in importance. People turn to lotions and potions when they don't have access to medicines that actually work. That is what I saw in the segments about China. Substituting 'social esteem' for eating ritualistic animal body parts for virility and status. Consuming plants and animals to extinction in hopes to cure cancers is a real life strategy by people unable to find treatment otherwise. So China is doing the best thing they can to remove those fears from their people by providing health care to them all so they will stop these 'ritual' treatments at the cost of species demise and biotic endangerment.

I am sure China reflects regularly on the reason "SARS" occurred in the first place and their health care goal is admirable to that end. Also, the Panda has been a 'good will' ambassador for China. How can China only provide wide based support of species endangerment for the Panda and nothing else? There are some problems within the social and cultural structure of China and the leadership is addressing it. It's a change in dynmics within the country and it is coming.

As far as the mine operation: I found the willingness of the mine operator to speak at all encouraging. He is probably correct in stating the issue is huge. Here again the Chinese government is trying to move toward solutions, but, with a billion people it isn't easy. I can't help but wonder how much interest outside investment exists with Chinese operations and how much of the profits there are realized by Wall Street. The USA has an influence in that country and after all Henry Paulson practically lives there in hopes of delivering big returns for Goldman, Sachs. Give me a break. When the mine operator spoke about 'smaller mines' and their contribution whom exactly is involved and why would they overshadow a better outcome to water quality?

China needs to do better. It knows that. Where is Paulson's influence there?

The third world animal reserves were impressive and their WILLINGNESS in using high tech cameras and GPS to facilitate species protection more than admirable. It's not unusual for these countries to take pride in such measures. Many African nations have always taken pride in their responsibility to nature, biodiversity while supporting species existance. It has paid off to some extent as Africa still has rainforest and jungles and significant water sheds for the people of those countries. Granted there are droughts, but, the best strategy for reversing Human Induced Global Warming is to support biota and carbon sinks.

All and all it was well done, but, it did serve to divert any assignment of the ultimate responsibility for Climate Change, the biggest offender of species that leads to their extinction, to the USA. The coal commercial was way out of line.

I guess tomorrow will tell the tale.