Monday, September 10, 2007

I think I feel worse for the country of the USA than I do General Petreaus, although at this point it's hard to discern the difference.

The USA is in jeopardy under the current Commander and Chief and his General in Iraq. It's not a matter of staying to help Iraqis, it's a matter of being left to fight a war perscribed by Osama bin Laden while NATO and the Brits pick up the pieces Bush left behind for his oil war.

I am not impressed. The MOST revealing moment of the high level of incompetency came during the question that followed Petraeus's statement of "...even al Qaeda states Iraq is the central war on terror...." The questioning committee member reminded General Petraeus that it wasn't important what Osama bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thought was the best place to fight them.

That was more than revealing as he openly stated he had to take a few things up with council to decide on answers. When asked if he would disobey a direct order from the president he stated, "I didn't say that, I said I would have to take it up with council." That's a very sad scenario as the genearl obviously doesn't feel capable of making a move without being 'exactly' in a 'safe harbor.'

Where have I heard that expression before, couldn't be 2000? Could it?

And forbid Democrats should question at all. As noted in the media, they are all spinning the circumstances today to attempt to put the demands of Petraeus 'over the top.'

In the New York Times' article it attempts to justify more killing in Iraq by USA forces as a given to Petraeus's testimony while defaming all the Democratic members as 'skepticism.' It's not skepticism, it's national defense.

Tom Lantos, a Democrat from California, questioned Gen. David H. Petraeus and Ryan C. Crocker at a joint panel composed of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committee.

Iraq is not USA property and while the same media that flashes Osama bin Laden across the screen states that al Qaeda is worse than ever sees to reason to leave a war that will yield nothing of value to the USA national defense.

The lying Washington Post headlines are:

Petraeus Claims Major Progress Following 'Surge'

Petraeus Says Objectives in Iraq Are Largely Being Met

Even Petraeus's opening statements don't say that. He admits to some success in two areas of Iraq, but, that is all. There are no wide sweeping changes to Iraq. There is still huge refugee issues, enormous amount of dead, no infrastructure rebuilding, no coming out of the Green Zone, 8 million are still facing a humanitarian crisis, but, typical of The Washington Post they 'take up' with the 'idea' Bush is Boss, rather than balancing the Neocon push for more war with reality.

The Chicago Tribune knows it's a hideous task to listen to a general regarding Iraq when he is to deliver the president's pleadings and tout 'the surge.' The Chicago Tribune has gone instead to Iraq to find the progress the general is testifying to. It ain't there, not in the dimensions The Washington Post is stating it is.

But the headlines are interesting:

All 5 in mob trial found guilty of all counts,1,6855014.story?coll=chi_breaking_500&ctrack=3&cset=true

This while the drenched Midwest is vigilant to weather reports at every e-page. That is what I call an editor dedicated to saving American lives nearly at every turn no matter where they are.

Hard to find a mention of the Petraeus testimony at The Miami Herald. Guess whom is there instead at the headlines:

Clinton fundraiser sparks backbiting

Florida's GOP chief ripped Hillary Clinton for attending a fundraiser Monday hosted by former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez, triggering a four-lettered tirade from the brash politician who beat back federal corruption charges nearly two decades ago.

Florida's GOP chief ripped Hillary Clinton for attending a fundraiser Monday hosted by former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez, triggering a four-lettered tirade from the brash politician who beat back federal corruption charges nearly two decades ago.
Martinez was convicted but successfully appealed, and two subsequent trials ended in hung juries. Told about the snarky press release from Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer, Martinez called him a vulgar word for a female body part.
''I would debate any f------ Republican about my past,'' Martinez said in a telephone interview. ``We'll have a debate mano a mano if they want to take me on. I'm going to take them on.''
He added: ``I'm a businessman. I'm a Democrat. Why shouldn't I raise money at my house? I will get on the horse, and I will beat the s--- out of them.''...

Colorful guy, Mr. Martinez. I think he is really upset over his long ordeal to 'just live a life' in a state where Jeb Bush tried to ruin every Democrat in it's borders.

At the Boston Globe a more realistic approach and more 'the truth;' at least as far as the testimony that Petreaus actually made.

Petraeus eyes partial troop pullout
Petraeus talks of troop withdrawal
By Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writer September 10, 2007
WASHINGTON --Gen. David Petraeus told Congress on Monday he envisions the withdrawal of roughly 30,000 U.S. troops by next summer, beginning with a Marine contingent later this month.
In long-awaited testimony, the commanding general of the war said last winter's buildup in U.S. troops had met its military objectives "in large measure."
As a result, he told a congressional hearing and a nationwide television audience, "I believe that we will be able to reduce our forces to the pre-surge level ... by next summer without jeopardizing the security gains we have fought so hard to achieve."
Testifying in a military uniform bearing four general's stars and a chestful of medals, Petraeus said he had already provided his views to the military chain of command.

You know there is something about The Boston Globe that rarely yields overwhelming lies. It must be that 'Little Catholic Town' thing that goes on in Massachusetts.

The Houston Chronicle followed along the lines of The Boston Globe, but, with a little eyecatcher by Britney Spears.

Where to start with Britney...?

But the headlines to The Houston Chronicle was for the infrastruture of oil. You know how that goes, it's Texas, I mean first things first.

Sabotage blamed as blasts rip Mexico pipelines
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
MEXICO CITY -- Saboteurs attacked four natural gas pipelines in Mexico's Veracruz state today, marking the second time in little more than two months that the country's petroleum infrastructure has been targeted.
Explosive charges were set off in six separate locations on the pipelines operated by the government's petroleum monopoly, Pemex, which link refineries to consumers in Mexico City and other major population centers.
Although some 12,000 people were evacuated from areas near the explosions, no deaths or injuries were reported.

The LA Times is pitching the same 'story' that Petraeus sees troops reductions the Summer of 2008. How generous of the general to only prolong the killing in Iraq long enough for the November elections.

Gen. Petraeus says troop drawdown could begin in '08
Says security is improving but same higher level of troops needed for 10 months.
By Julian E. Barnes, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 11:36 AM PDT, September 10, 2007
WASHINGTON -- Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq, said today that U.S. troop levels need to remain at high levels until next summer, when they could be reduced to the pre-surge levels.Petraeus offered his long-awaited assessment of the U.S. strategy in Iraq, saying security was improving in the country. He said troop levels could be reduced to about 130,000 troops, or 15 brigades, by the summer of 2008.,0,5539906.story?coll=la-home-center

The San Francisco Chronicle assigned the general to a minor story on it's e-front page. And they are right. The Benchmarks AS LEGISLATED have not been met. There isn't anything else to say. If they aren't met there are repercussions to any military involvement especially considering there should be a political solution anyway.
The 'improvements' General Petreaus speaks of are completely VOID of any real discussion of the 'condition' of the Iraqi people and how much attrition of population actually exists to illuminate the fact the 'improvement' in the violence is marked with far less people to be involved in it as victims or as people retaliating against conditions they have no control over.

The Iraqi people were NOWHERE in the Petraeus report (The only people including as 'citizens' by Petreaus were the ones achieving the goals he assigned as 'good.') and the estimation given by Mr. Crocker illustrated an infrastructure grossly in failure with little to no services to the people. Even the hospitals don't have electricity 24-7.

The headlines at the San Francisco Chronicle.

Jury names favorite for Transbay terminal, tower
John King, Chronicle Urban Design Writer
Monday, September 10, 2007
13:05 PDT San Francisco -- There's now a front-runner in the race for the rights to build what could be the West Coast's tallest building: a proposal that includes an obelisk-like, 1,200 foot office tower next to a terminal topped by a park the length of five football fields.
Another selling point: the developer offers to pay $350 million for the land where it would erect a 1.8 million square skyscraper - more than $200 million above the sales price offered by the other two design-development teams.

Boy, 6, found buried in concrete
San Jose mom and her boyfriend arrested
Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, September 10, 2007

Newsom calls for resignations - says he wants fresh start next term
Cecilia M. Vega,Heather Knight, Chronicle Staff Writers
Monday, September 10, 2007

Alameda woman claims $93 million lottery prize
Chronicle Staff Report
Monday, September 10, 2007

Petraeus Talks of Troop Withdrawal
By DAVID ESPO, Associated Press Writer
Monday, September 10, 2007

Maybe even assign it to the back page because the 'ONLY' thing the hearing provided was media frenzy. There was very little 'truth telling' and certainly no balance to most of the reporting by the American media.
There was no recognizing of valid points brought out by the committe members, there was no praise for the conducting of the hearing. Basically, every media service that wanted to turned it into a free for all brawl over Democrats (A Republican bashing of Democrats quite frankly.) to save the hide of a four star general that will probably have to face the White House music. Is Petreaus near retirement?

The Seattle Post Intelligencer has taken the best approach and focus. Petreaus was assigned to National News, nowhere near a headline and about four stories down from the Petraeus story appeared this (Which didn't appear anywhere else I noted.)

9 GIs die in Iraq, military reports

BAGHDAD -- The U.S. military reported the deaths of nine soldiers Monday - including seven killed in a vehicle accident - and Iraq's prime minister said the nation's armed forces were not ready to fight without American help.
The statements - more Pentagon death notices and appeals for more time from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - echoed some of the key struggles in Washington as lawmakers began long-awaited hearings on U.S. strategies in Iraq.

This was the headline for The Seattle Post Intelligencer.

Plans to dump PCB-tainted soil in Elliott Bay raise concerns
Environmentalists fear effect of toxic mud on animals and people
Port of Seattle Chief Executive Tay Yoshitani says he wants to run the "cleanest, greenest and most energy-efficient port in the United States."
But some environmentalists are calling the meaning of his words into question because of a port project that has received permission to dump PCBs in Elliott Bay.
PCBs are polychlorinated biphenyls, toxic chemicals used as fire retardants that were banned in the 1970s. They are so toxic and so long-lived that they are usually measured in parts per billion -- yet the port proposes to dump 9 pounds of them into the bay for an upcoming dredging project. The mud to be dumped would come from an area being studied for cleanup as part of the Harbor Island Superfund site.

The Seattle Post Intelligencer did however note this, which validates my statement about how the Bush administration constantly reminds the American people that they haven't defeated al Qaeda and yet continue to fight a war that has nothing to do with National Security.
Neither Petreaus or Crocker could give specifics to the change in Iraq that would classify it as a threat to national security when the USA leaves. They, at that point in their presentations would call up sympathy for the Iraqi people stating they would be slaughtered more than if the USA continued it's occupation. But, even to that end they offered no proof, just Republican rhetoric. No facts. None.

Al-Qaida says 2nd bin Laden video coming

CAIRO, Egypt -- Osama bin Laden will appear for the second time in a week in a new video to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, presenting the last will and testament of one of the suicide hijackers, al-Qaida announced Monday.
Each year, al-Qaida has released videos of last statements by hijackers on the anniversary of the 2001 attacks, using the occasion to rally its sympathizers.

Spy chief details top threats facing US
WASHINGTON -- Weapons of mass destruction, small boats packed with explosives and Islamic radicalization are the greatest terrorist threats facing the country, top U.S. security officials said Monday on the eve of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The officials told Congress the country is much better prepared to face terror threats than it was then, but that terrorists' desire to attack the United States remains strong - an assertion that has yet to be fully accepted by the American public, according to a new poll.

So, I started this entry with a quandry as to whom I feel more sorry for and I think I'm right to say I feel sorry for the USA more. The people are left to live with the threat of Osama bin Laden in the shadows of an attack that happened six years ago while the nation's military and treasury are quagmired in an unnecessary and illegal war. Why is it I think that if the USA military were properly deployed we won't have to put up with the likes of Osama anymore?