Thursday, August 09, 2007

U.S. Mars Phoenix lander lifted off Saturday to begin its nearly-10-month journey toward Mars Arctic, to seek clues of possible form of life on the red planet (click here). How did NASA brilliantly 'pull off' this mission while a Neocon occupies the White House. To believe life exists anywhere but Earth is against the premise of the Evangelical Christians. Who swept this under the Tony Snow PR Press Room rug?

George Bush's economy exists because he emptied the USA Treasury and sent the nation into insoluable debt. That's going to be quite an inheritance to the next administration and legislature.

There is nothing 'viable' about the Bush Economy UNLESS we continue to fight and fund wars with American will.

Just that simple.

The spending programs he 'dogs' the legislature about lusts after the monies available to his cronies. He doesn't care about keeping the federal government viable, it's just the opposite. If he could destroy the federal government except for the military infrastructure he'd do it today with a signature of his Executive pen.

The American economy no longer exists except in how it panders to foreign outsourcing. When is the last time a high school graduate could file an employment application for a high paying job at a manufacturing plant? A plant where unions thrive and produce good and benevolent products?

Bush talks really pretty, doesn't he?


Back in the day, when Bush and Rumsfeld paid off Musharraf for air space to Afghanistan, the first mistake was made. Musharraf is a coupe leader and a warlord. He provides information to the USA when he is paid for it. Any country in the EU provides information for the defeat of terrorism.

Pakistan not to impose state of emergency in the country (click here)

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan will not impose a state of emergency in the country, Federal Minister for Information Mohammad Ali Durrani confirmed on Thursday.
Durrani said that he met President General Pervez Musharraf on Thursday morning, and Musharraf said that the present situation did not necessitate the enforcement of emergency in the country, the News Network International (NNI) news agency reported.
Musharraf said all efforts should be made to hold free and fair elections in the country and strengthen the democratic institutions, according to Durrani.
Musharraf acknowledged that there were challenges in the country and the government was trying to surmount them. However, the government did not like to take any step which might prove as a hurdle in holding elections, Durrani said.
There was a provision in the constitution regarding the imposition of state of emergency but Musharraf was of the opinion that the present time was not fit for enforcing it, Durrani added.
Musharraf also pointed out that all hurdles in the way of the forthcoming elections should be removed and he did not want to derail the democratic process, which was in vogue for the last five years, Durrani said.
Musharraf was in favor of allowing all political parties to play their role in the interest of democracy, creating congenial atmosphere and promoting political process, NNI quoted Durrani as saying.
Local Pakistani media reported earlier that Musharraf was mulling imposing a state of emergency in the country after holding a high-level meeting with legal experts and confidants in the capital Islamabad on Wednesday.

The 'local' governments of Pakistan have been trying to reclaim their government. With the USA providing incentive for Musharraf to do otherwise with fiscal subsidies, it only makes the local movement toward a free and democratic Pakistan that much harder. Lately, there was a judge returned to power while a meeting with Musharraf took place with Bhutto regarding power sharing. Finally, the local movement is achieving it's footing again. Bhutto was the Prime Minister when Musharraf and Osama bin Laden ran their coupe against that government. Hopefully, the power sharing will prove to be benevolent to the local people in Pakistan and further stabilize the government away from it's self-imposed dictator. A dictator supported by Bush's White House.

Here is a little discussed fact. The Democratic Legislature was finally successful in twisting Bush's arm to sign a 911 Commission Bill.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.

The 911 Commission was formed in 'late 2002' according to this dismantled site. It's reports were submitted on July 22, 2004 the Commission released its public report, which is available for download from this site. The report is also available in bookstores nationwide and from the Government Printing Office. (click here)

On August 21, 2004 the Commission released two staff monographs, available for download along with other staff statements on this site.

The ten members of the 9-11 Commission announce the creation of the 9/11 Public Discourse Project.

The Commission closed on August 21, 2004.

Unlike the Brady Bill, which has been gutted by Bush and his NRA cronies, the 911 Commission Bill couldn't be passed until Democrats had control.

The story is this. The 911 Commission closed on August 21, 2004. But. The bill for their recommendations didn't get passed and signed until August 3, 2007 (click here). THREE YEARS LATER and LESS than seven months since the inauguration of the Democratic majority.

So, Bush still wants to 'kill, kill, kill' in Iraq and Iran. It won't happen. The two Shi'ite nations have decided to lead the way to peace in the Middle East. All we can do is hope this is a valid attempt. I personally believe it is. The question remains, how to get rid of the Americans in Iraq that continue to cause a burgeoning genocide.

Ahmadinejad: Iran, Iraq have duty to establish peace, security in Mideast (click here)

2007-08-09 19:01:47

Special report: Tension escalates in Iraq

TEHRAN, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said his country and Iraq had the duty to establish peace and security in the Mideast region, the official IRNA news agency reported on Thursday.
"The current situation in the region today, including Iraq, isvery sensitive, Iran and Iraq have a heavy responsibility to establish peace and security in the region," Ahmadinejad said during his meeting with visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
"We counts on the victory of Iraqis for the future of the region," he added.
For his part, Maliki said Iran was "positive and constructive" in helping his government to bring security in the war-torn country, underlining that "Iran, Iraq and other countries in the region must fight against terrorism."
Maliki arrived here Wednesday morning on a three-day visit for talks with Iranian leaders on improving the security situation in Iraq.
Iranian First Vice-President Parviz Davoudi said during his meeting with Maliki on Wednesday that Iran was ready to contribute to Iraq's reconstruction and promotion of its security.
"Iran has always tried to restore security to Iraq because the country's security will benefit both Iran and the region," said the Iranian official.
Besides Ahmadinejad and Davoudi, Maliki will also meet with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Judiciary Head Ayatollah Mahmoud Shahroudi, Majlis (Iran's parliament) Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel as well as other senior officials.

Bush wants to know if it's 'worth-it' in Iraq?

NO !

We don't belong in Iraq.

We never did.

Oppose the draft.

Troops out now.

War's over. George is too feable minded to realize it. Money, money, money.
