In the face of a burgeoning genocide of the Iraqi people, Lt. General Odierno wants more of the same including confronting Iran, currently the source of humanitarian relief reaching the people of Iraq. I would think if I were Iranians trying to get humanitarian relief to the people in Iraq I would be armed. What do you think Lt. General Odierno, sound reasonable? Heck, the folks Baghdad died from celebratory fire after 'Team Iraq' won a tournament. I would expect those determined to save innovent lives in Iraq through humanitarian aid; which is a common practice of Muslims, they act out of charity; when confronted by American soldier whom have been the cause of the hardship, there will be confrontation. I'm fairly confident that will happen.
It's called a political solution to allow such interaction between the neighboring countries of Iraq and allowing them access without retribution for aid to reach the people suffering under American occupation. Sound right?
See, I would think long about now, the American forces would be realizing the 'weakening' rebellion in Baghdad is due to attrition by death and sustained impoverishment rather than will. The Iraqi will is never going to change. Their only hope is that the USA military will leave and they will have a chance to live through it.
A report to the DOD expresses how al Qaeda has either left Iraq in many provinces or was purged by some method. It would seem as though al Qaeda is not a threat in Iraq any longer in any significant way. (click here) This according to the Lt. General. So, why then are the Iraqi people STILL suffering so significantly without relief?
Causing vast civilian tragedy is the methodoly of the Bush/Gates military?
I see.
Perhaps, the Lt. General could explain how the Commanders, such as Commander Micheal Steele, lied to the troops regarding their mission and whom the enemy actually was; as Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with September 11, 2001 and there was no WMD. Perhaps the Lt. General could explain exactly what took them into war in Iraq when the war/mission in Afghanistan was never completed. Perhaps he can explain why the USA is more in danger today than ever? I never know that brainwashing troops was the American Way. Evidently, under Walker Bush it is a requirement.
A replay of the interview of the Lt. General at 3:41 pm on CNN, the Continuous Neocon Network stated nothing new.
Basically, the Lt. General stated:
(In regard to the injury of his son in Iraq.) It impacted me as a father. As a leader hopefully it doesn't reflect at all in my decision making. It allows me to relate to that a little bit better. "Accomplishing our mission."
A while ago it was hard to see a soldier that lost an arm or leg,…, but there is a life after that as my son does.
It is amazing to have a Lt. General be part of the USA military that treats returning injured and dead to USA military bases and otherwise as a 'private' issue, yet, to promote the war the Lt. General openly USES his personal tragedy to extend an understanding of commitment to the illegal war in Iraq. It would seem as though the people involved in the war aren't interested in privacy as a directive against media involvement. It allows them clout that it would not allow anyone else in war promotion. My, my.
He goes on:We were turning over responsibility to Iraqis took quickly, they weren't ready to do that.
No clue. You know, Iraq never had and I am not sure they actually should have a strong military presence in the region. The escalation of the Iraqi military and police is causing escalation everywhere including in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. Does an American Lt. General actually believe escalation in the Middle East is a way to peace? Or perhaps he isn't interested in peace?
All I care about is getting the mission done. That is what I expect the American people to expect. I think this war has an impact on our country. Al Qaeda is ruthless and it is horrible and if we are not careful it could effect the USA in the future.
You'll excuse me, but the Lt. General is OUT OF TOUCH with the opinions of the American people and WE don't take orders from OUR Defense Department or their personnel. The egos are not to be believed.
Lt. General Odierno needs to stop killing people and find a way for them to live.
Hello, Lt. General Odierno? You in there?
This should help reorient the estranged Lt. General back to American values.
A CBS/New York Times Poll - the date is July 18-21, 2007
"All in all, considering the costs to the United States versus the benefits to the United States, do you think the war with Iraq was worth fighting, or not?"
WorthFighting - 36%
Not WorthFighting - 63%
Undecided - 1%
Sorry, Lt. General, you lose. All these American can't be "W"rong.
Troops home now.
We don't belong in Iraq.
We never did.
Oppose the draft !
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