Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fabricating the need for USA military involvement

The rules are simple, if the Iraqi government hasn't met the benchmarks the USA withdraws their military. Evidently, Michael Ware all of a sudden is aware as are other Neocon Republicans that what I have been saying all along is true in Iraq. There is no Central Unity Government and the militias control the safety of the people. The truth is the USA is killing and jailing more innocent people simply trying to secure a basis for a void. The void is the desire of the Iraqi people to again have a central government.

Iraq want to split. The legislature will not pander to Washington, DC. Their provinces are secured by their militias and they are not paying attention to war mongering Neocons that can't seem to leave the country. The only chance the Bush appointed Prime Minister Maliki has of holding onto any influence in Iraq is if the Bush military continues to carry out a Surge that has imprisoned more people and killed more people than any other strategy to date. The reason for the imprisonment and the killing is because the majority of the country does not want the USA occupation and has resisted the Unity Government at every turn except for a legislature that is working to free the people of a central government while divesting 'Iraq' and replacing it with autonomous provinces.



BLITZER: More bad news for the government of Nuri al-Maliki, the prime minister in Iraq. More members of a major political bloc are simply pulling out of his cabinet. This bloc will keep its seats in parliament, but wants nothing -- nothing to do with this cabinet of Nuri al-Maliki.

Joining us now from Baghdad, our correspondent, Michael Ware -- Michael, at least from this vantage point, it looks like this Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki slowly but surely is falling apart. Some Shia coalition partners are leaving. Sunni partners are leaving.

Big picture -- what's going on?

WARE: Well, Wolf, I mean, really, there's never been an Iraqi government. I mean it's only ever been a so-called entity. It's been an apparition from the beginning, a loose coalition of militias, most of them, according to Western intelligence, backed by Iran, jammed together. So, really, there has never been a functioning government here.

It's certainly not delivering services to its people. I mean it can't even guarantee running water in its capital. It can't provide electricity.

Of Maliki's 37 cabinet ministers, 17 just don't show up for cabinet meetings or are actually boycotting the government. And we now see yet another political bloc, that represented by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, today announcing it, too, has withdrawn.

So, effectively, there's four more ministers gone. Wolf, there is no government here and anyone who says there is either delusional or trying to spin a line. There's nothing here for America to work with.

BLITZER: Yesterday John Warner, the Republican Senator from Virginia, the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, said the U.S. has to send a powerful signal to the Iraqi government and announce its starting to withdraw troops, get some of them home by Christmas, maybe only 5,000.

But on a practical level -- and you've been there four years plus now, Michael -- what happens when U.S. forces move out of an area and say to the Iraqis, you guys take over, you're in charge now?

Practically speaking, what happens?

WARE: Well, that sends a strong signal to the militia factions who own this country in whichever region we're particularly talking about where U.S. forces withdraw that it's game on -- power is yours. I mean that's what's holding this country together are militias. I mean comparisons to Lebanon in the '80s are not that far off base. So, I'm sorry, but with all respect to Senator Warner, he is absolutely kidding himself if, A, withdrawing 5,000 troops is going to send any kind of a message or, B, that American withdrawal without serious penalty -- the strongest message withdrawal like that sends is American defeat. And if you want a clear cut example of both the power of that message and what happens on the ground, just look at Basra in the South. The Brits have all been but forced to abandon Basra.

And what's happened?

Rival, sparring, brawling Iranian-backed militias have taken over and it's turning into an absolute disaster. That's a glimmer of Iraq's future without American forces.

BLITZER: Pretty depressing information.

Michael Ware, thanks very much for joining us.

WARE: Thanks, Wolf.

BLITZER: And I'll speak exclusively with the man Michael just mentioned, the political leader Ayad Allawi, the man who runs that political bloc in Iraq that's leaving the cabinet. Right now, Ayad Allawi will join us, the former interim prime minister of Iraq, exclusively on LATE EDITION. That airs Sunday, 11:00 aamm Eastern.

The rantings of Mr. Ware are last ditch efforts to raise some fear about leaving Iraq to the people of Iraq whom obviously don't want what Bush/Maliki have to offer. It's more than laughable to think, in order to have the surge continue the Neocons now are seeking a Prime Minister of Iraq that Bush displaced with Maliki, namely Ibrahim Jaafari, the man that foretold of the disintegrating country known as Iraq and the rise of provincial authorities.

US envoy 'calls for new Iraqi PM' (click here)

Ibrahim Jaafari's government has been criticised for poor performanceThe US ambassador to Iraq has told Shia leaders that the US government does not want Ibrahim Jaafari to remain prime minister, senior Shia politicians say.
Zalmay Khalilzad said President George W Bush "doesn't want, doesn't support, doesn't accept" the retention of Mr Jaafari, Rida Jawad al-Takki said....

In this article in The New York Times this morning it was obvious there are gross multitude of lies surrounding The Surge and the State of Iraq. The entire time General Petraeus has been touting The Surge as 'the way' to peace in Iraq his primary focus of success has been in An Albar. An Albar is Sunni. The Sunnis are the ones that enlisted the homegrown extremist group, Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia to do the truck bombings and Mosque bombings. Now, Petraeus's precious Sunni province has more detainees than any other ethnicity in Iraq. So, much for success.

There is no success to The Surge because of the deaths and capture of the very people that are supposed to be 'turning away' from extremism and the lose of American soldiers in increasing number to demonstrate the continued resistance. In order to call, The Surge a success, I would expect the people of Iraq to find comfort in releaving them of these extremists and more than willing to defend themselves with increasing numbers in the Iraqi military and police. That isn't what is occurring. The people continue to arm themselves and kill Americans. The Bush "Surge" is contrary to every initiative by Iraqis. Bush is attempting nation building where it will never be accepted. The casualties of war will increase because the Iraqis don't want the occupation and the directive of the Bush White House.

With Troop Rise, Iraqi Detainees Soar in Number (click here)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 — The number of detainees held by the American-led military forces in Iraq has swelled by 50 percent under the troop increase ordered by President Bush, with the inmate population growing to 24,500 today from 16,000 in February, according to American military officers in Iraq.
The detainee increase comes, they said, because American forces are operating in areas where they had not been present for some time, and because more units are able to maintain a round-the-clock presence in some areas. They also said more Iraqis were cooperating with military forces. Nearly 85 percent of the detainees in custody are Sunni Arabs, the minority faction in Iraq that ruled the country under the government of Saddam Hussein; the other detainees are Shiites, the officers say....

The fact USA Neocons are struggling to return Mr. Jaafari to the role of Prime Minister in hopes the country will again follow is a clear surrender to the Iraqi will while acknowledging their ability to instill nation building in Iraq designed to serve Western interests.

It's time to leave Iraq. The benchmarks are sadly lacking achievement and Americans are dying in greater numbers than before. Bush can't even keep helicopters flying. It amazing how somehow there is justification in keeping USA troops in Iraq when they die of reasons other than combat. I don't think so. In order to run a successful strategy the military has to be able to maintain their fleet of transportation and assault vehicles. They haven't been able to demonstrate the ability to maintain their fleet yet alone run a successful mission.

The longer the USA stays in Iraq the more people will die and be imprisoned. Even with all these people imprisioned the violence continues and the American casualities escalate. The region has to solve it's problems. Mr. Jaafari was correct the entire time and he never 'played Bush tune' so he was unacceptable as a puppet to the current Executive Branch.

A side note about Glen Beck. It doesn't get sadder than that. He is manufacturing issues in order to be a Neocon. His latest attempt at 'issue creation' is the illiteracy of the Republicans. It's a very sad day at CNN when they have to 'create diversions' in order to avoid looking at reality and the events of the day as they occur that might even bring regime change in Washington, DC. I could almost here Beck crying during the entire show, "Oh, where, Oh, where did Karl Rove, go. Oh, where, oh, where can he be?"