Friday, November 09, 2007

10:00 PM

The FIT Musharraf took that manifested into HIS Emergency Coup was because he wanted to carry out destruction of an infrastructure that was going to dethrown him. There are human rights violations. Why it is that every Western News Service sees the 'moves' Perez accomplished as legal and now it's settled.

THAT ISN'T CORRECT. Perez Musharraf and President George Walker Bush in approval of the recent so called settlement. whereby there are now elections and Mushy is taking off his general's uniform, are commiting human rights abuses. The Musharraf government ILLEGALLY DETAINED a former Prime Minister on the way to a Freedom of Speech political rally, and at the same time has arrested hundreds of people INCLUDING Judges. Legally placed judges whom have done nothing wrong. And yet CNN and most other news agencies simply 'parrot' the same propaganda that comes out of the White House. Bush is GUILTY of allowing a coup leader, namely Musharraf, to continue to dominate a country completely destabilized by his coup status. This is outrageous. Musharraf MUST release all those he arrested and RETURN the judges to their rightful place in the Pakistani Judiciary. NOW !!!!

What is it with everybody? Bush is God and hence so is Musharraf? I don't think so !

Sacked judge in Pakistan appeal (click here)
Pakistanis must unite and stand up for the supremacy of the constitution, says the country's sacked chief justice.
Speaking to the BBC from virtual house arrest in Islamabad, Iftikhar Chaudhry said that an independent judiciary was essential for democracy in Pakistan.
Hundreds of lawyers and other critics of President Pervez Musharraf have been detained since he declared emergency rule on Saturday.
Pakistan's top human rights campaigner has made a plea for their release.
'Forget differences'
Mr Chaudhry has been a focus for opposition after Gen Musharraf tried to remove him from office in March following a number of court judgements against the government.
He made his appeal to Pakistanis in an interview with the BBC Urdu service from his home in the capital, Islamabad.
"I would like to appeal to all the people of Pakistan and the political parties to forget their differences," he said.
"It's time we stood up for the supremacy of the constitution as well as the rule of law and an independent judiciary which is indispensable for democracy as well as tackling terrorism."
And he repeated that he did not recognise his dismissal, or that of a number of other judges, by Gen Musharraf.
"I am still the chief justice of the Supreme Court and the judges are still the judges under the constitution."
Most lawyers are boycotting the courts and correspondents say the judicial process in Pakistan is virtually paralysed....

Candy Crowley.

There is a huge difference between the Democratic majority Congress and the past MESS the people of this country actually had the audacity to call a legislature. The Democratic Congress ACTUALLY was in attendence and WORKED.

Culture Shock on Capitol Hill: House to Work 5 Days a Week (click here)
By Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 6, 2006; Page A01
Forget the minimum wage. Or outsourcing jobs overseas. The labor issue most on the minds of members of Congress yesterday was their own: They will have to work five days a week starting in January....

The Truth of the Matter is simply this, the Congress that was replaced WAS indeed "The Do Nothing Congress." They had the least days in session than any other Congress since the 80th Congress of the USA (click here). 99 convened sessions. 99. 99. 99. 99. GET IT RIGHT !!!

Congress called on to replace 'devastating' cuts in Medicare reimbursements by ACP (click here)
'10.1 percent cut will accelerate collapse of primary care'
(Washington) – The American College of Physicians (ACP) today renewed its call on Congress to replace the 10.1 percent devastating cuts in Medicare reimbursements set to take effect Jan. 1 with at least two years of positive updates that are paid for in a way that does not make the problem worse in future years. The organization of 124,000 internal medicine physicians, related subspecialists and medical students reacted to the final physician fee schedule published late last Thurs. by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
“The cuts will accelerate the collapse of primary care, create access problems and manufacture obstacles to fundamental reform of physician policies,” emphasized ACP President David C. Dale, MD, FACP. “It is essential that lawmakers agree on an immediate fix that will provide positive and stable updates, support patient-centered care coordinated by a personal physician, and create the building blocks for long-term reform of a flawed payment system.”
More than half of physicians say they will have to limit their acceptance of new Medicare patients if payments are cut as projected in 2008, according to a survey conducted by the American Medical Association, and two-thirds of physicians say they plan to defer purchasing information technology. Physician payment rates are about the same today as they were in 2001, while a typical practice’s costs have increased nearly 20 percent during that same time period, it said.
“Prior to its August recess this year, the U.S. House of Representatives took action to ensure our seniors retain access to high-quality health care,” Dr. Dale noted. “The legislation replaced projected 15 percent cuts in Medicare payment rates for all physician services over the next two years with positive updates of 0.5 percent. Importantly, it also provided $20 billion in offsets to pay for positive updates instead of using budget gimmicks that, experience has shown, would only make the problem harder to solve in subsequent years.”...

I agree there is mass chaos throughout the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, let's get one thing straight about Osama and al Qaeda. They came to prominence because of the chronic class struggle in Middle Eastern countries. These countries have leadership that have been in place for decades and in the case of some countries centuries through lineage of Kings and Queens. There is a chronic class struggle for power. THAT is what Osama bin Laden plugged into. That is why social structure that removes impoverishment and empowers education is a very real strategy against terrorist networks.

I do believe there is however a real mess in the Middle East due to the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent abandonment of the war in Afghanistan, but, there is also hope.

‘Annapolis meeting starting point towards successful peace talks’

His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday addresses an audience at Royal College of Defence Studies in London at the end of a three-day visit to the UK (Photo by Yousef Allan)
LONDON (Petra) - His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday underscored the need to use the US-proposed international Mideast peace conference to launch comprehensive negotiations that could lead to a Palestinian-Israeli agreement on final status issues and to an independent Palestinian state.
In remarks he made during a visit to the Royal College of Defence Studies, King Abdullah stressed the centrality of the Palestinian issue, which, he said, is the core conflict between the Arab and Islamic worlds and Israel.
The Monarch emphasised that finding a just solution to the Palestinian issue will bring solutions to several problems in the Middle East.
King Abdullah described as a step in the right direction recent remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on the possibility of genuine progress in the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations before the end of US President George W. Bush’s term in office.
During a recent meeting with a US delegation, Olmert described the Mideast peace conference, to be held in Annapolis, as a very important milestone that could garner international support for negotiations based on a two-state slution.
King Abdullah highlighted the importance of seriously tackling core problems related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the near future, particularly final status issues.
Achieving a fair and comprehensive peace will result in regional development and stability, he stressed.

Sad remembrance
Two years ago this day, Jordanians were jolted out of their habitual life by acts of terror unprecedented in the country. Scores of innocent people were killed and over a hundred injured in suicide attacks at three hotels in the capital.
By no means strangers to violence and terror - after all, the area around us is a massive operating theatre for such manifestations - the country that prides itself on being an oasis of stability and security was faced with its deadly reality.
Devastating and unsettling, Al Qaeda’s criminal acts were a wake-up call of sort. They brought home heinous deeds that only TV screens could show, that only could happen to the outside world, but not to us. But it brought about many more things too.
For days, and it is persisting, a careful look reveals, Jordanian flags fluttered from cars in a proud show of solidarity and belonging. They were saying that we were all sons of this country, and nothing some miscreants do could take that away from us. That we are all proud of this country, and will do everything to reclaim our peace.
Those were a few immediate feelings displayed in a show of unity rarely seen.

Saudi king holds talks with German officials
SAUDI ARABIA’S KING Abdullah toured Berlin’s famed Brandenburg Gate on Thursday, following a meeting with Germany’s foreign minister on the second day of his official visit here.
Abdullah held talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Horst Koehler following his arrival in Berlin on Wednesday.
The king met Thursday with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who recently returned from a trip to the Middle East. Steinmeier later signed a tax agreement with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Saud Al Faisal, as well as a declaration of intent to hold regular foreign policy consultations.
Later in the day, Abdullah toured downtown Berlin, including the Brandenburg Gate, which stood for decades on the eastern side of the Wall that divided the city.
The king’s visit is part of a European tour that already has taken him to Britain, where he discussed terrorism and the Middle East peace process with Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and the Vatican where he met with Pope Benedict XVI.

It isn't as though Bergan doesn't know his stuff about al Qaeda, he does, but, there is bigger picture than that and it is 'the street' we need to understand and empower to which the dismantling of al Qaeda will then ensue. Al Qaeda can only exist in a power vacuum of suffering.

Oh, one other thing...

...your smoke and mirrors forgot this !

Protege's corruption charge embarrasses Giuliani (click here)

Former NY police chief accused over work on flat· Republican rivals seize on case to shame frontrunner Ed Pilkington in New York

Saturday November 10, 2007

The Guardian
Rudy Giuliani's bid to become Republican candidate for US president faces months of questioning on the campaign trail, after his friend and protege Bernard Kerik was yesterday charged with corruption and lying to cover-up his misdeeds.
Mr Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, faces embarrassment in connection with his long-term friend who stands accused of a corrupt relationship with a firm linked to the mob. Mr Giuliani appointed Mr Kerik in 2000 to be New York police commissioner, and also put his name forward in 2004 to be head of the department of homeland security....

Have a better day.
