Friday, November 09, 2007

8:09 PM

My Problem with Congress is...that is has people like Rick Sanchez willing to distort the truth regarding the propaganda he is trying to put forward because the real problem is that Bush and Cheney continue to play politics with the people of this nation and WON'T let Congress carry forth vital legislation that was mandated in the elections of 2006 when there was a change in the majority in the House and Senate. a result for the shift in majority in 2006 we continue to have a country with a diminished national security, insoluble debt, the worst economy since the Revolutionary War and NO WAY OUT !!!!

Try peddling that Rick Sanchez and you might have a show worth watching. CNN continues to be NO help to the people of the USA, so much as an instrument of propaganda for the Religious Right.

"I am mad as hell and won't take it anymore, Rick Sanchez !"

