Monday, November 12, 2007

While extremist Conservative Talk Radio assails the Speaker of the House for criticizing the Coast Guard fo slow response times in the recent oil spill in San Francisco Bay on "Veteran's Day OBSERVATION."

Another station celebrates with reports of UFOs. Now that is what I call significant news.

Transcript: Sen. John McCain on 'FOX News Sunday'
Monday, November 12, 2007
By Chris Wallace

This is a rush transcript from "FOX News Sunday," November 11, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: As we continue our coverage of You Decide '08, we're joined now from the campaign trail in New Hampshire by Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain.

You were, of course, a Navy flier, Senator McCain. You ever see a UFO?

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I can't say that I did, but I kept looking all the time.

WALLACE: Well, that's good to know, that you were on the watch.
You've been going after Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani pretty heavy recently. When former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik was indicted on Friday on federal corruption charges, you said this raises questions about Giuliani's judgment.
And take a look at what your campaign manager had to say. "Rudy Giuliani has repeatedly placed personal loyalty over regard for the facts." So, Senator, what facts? Are you suggesting that Giuliani knew that Kerik was a crook?...,2933,310823,00.html

The real question Anderson Cooper needs to ask is..."Do the sightings of a UFO mean the return of L. Ron Hubbard?"

The Hack and the Quack (click here)
The "Phoenix Lights" made Frances Emma Barwood the darling of the global space-alien lobby. And it'stransformed computer geek Jim Dilettoso into a star in the UFO firmament.
Tony Ortega Published: March 5, 1998...
