A newly-returned Iraqi refugee from Syria holds an envelope containing financial aid

CNN's Anderson Cooper is being spineless again, trying to make truth out of lies.
Iraq is NOT safer
Iraq Lacks Plan on the Return of Refugees, Military Says
Published: November 30, 2007
BAGHDAD, Nov. 29 — As Iraqi refugees begin to stream back to Baghdad, American military officials say the Iraqi government has yet to develop a plan to absorb the influx and prevent it from setting off a new round of sectarian violence.
Countries such as Jordan and Syria that have been absorbing the Iraq refugee crisis like the idea that Iraqis should return home. The massive refugee emmigration is all part of the genocide instilled by the USA. Even today, there have been registered killings of innocent Iraqis by USA military. Not Blackwater this time. The killing fields of Iraq definately has the world saying this is genocide.
To that and the article from The New York Times, there is obviously still no for thought to the plight to the Iraqi people. Not only that, but, the returning refugees are being bribed to return. They aren't returning because they think it is safe, but, because they are being mislead into believing it is safe.
Cash gifts and warm welcome for returned Iraqi refugees
13 hours ago
BAGHDAD (AFP) — Iraq's immigration minister on Thursday welcomed with gifts of cash around 375 Iraqi refugees who returned during the night on a fleet of buses from neighbouring Syria, an AFP photographer said.
The convoy of buses, which left Damascus on Tuesday evening, arrived in Baghdad around 2.00 am Thursday (2300 GMT Wednesday) after being escorted across Iraq's dangerous highways by the Iraqi military.
Returnees were put up in a hotel on the banks of the Tigris, where they were later greeted by Immigration and Refugees Minister Abdel Samad Rahman Sultan during an official welcoming ceremony.
Each family was given one million dinars (800 dollars) to assist their resettlement before they left for their homes, Iraqi officials said.
"Immigration and Refugees Minister Abdel Samad Rahman Sultan participated in ceremonies welcoming the families," his ministry said in a statement. "He presented gifts to express the government's happiness for the return of Iraq's sons."
The convoy marked the start of a government effort to assist Iraqi refugees return home, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said on Wednesday, adding that more would be organised in the coming days.
He put the number of Iraqis returning to the country in recent months at 60,000, but these figures have not been independently verified.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 4.2 million Iraqis have been displaced since the US-led invasion of March 2003, including 750,000 who found refuge in Jordan, 1.4 million in Syria and about two million elsewhere in Iraq.
The latest Iraqi Red Crescent figures showed that the number of internally displaced people had grown to 2,299,425 people by the end of September, 16 percent more than at the end of August.
The manipulation of the people of Iraq, either inside the country or out is a remarkable feat.
Is what the US has been doing in Iraq genocide?
The answer given to this question by Dr. Ian Douglas, who teaches courses on political science at an-Najah International University and is a member of the Brussells Tribunal committee, is an open and clear “Yes.”
The massive tragedy that has been taking place right next to our country since April 2003 is unfortunately not given enough coverage by the Turkish media. The editorial “kitchens” of newspapers and televisions have become so used to the killing of dozens of Iraqis every day by Americans, insurgents or al-Qaeda members that they have ceased to attach any news value to these killings. Although the tragedy that claims lives every day seems to have created a kind of sentimental stupor in the media, this definitely does not mean that the tragedy is no longer there. This bloody tragedy, which we have become so used to, is stripping ourselves of our humanity, and is suffered every single day with all its terror in a country right next to us. Every moment it leaves a woman childless, husbandless, fatherless, brotherless, or leaves a child motherless, brotherless, fatherless, or without a grandfather, uncle or aunt.
KRG.org, 19:11:33 29 Nov. 2007
Call for papers for international conference on genocide in Kurdistan
Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq (KRG.org) - The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), under the supervision of Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, announces an international conference on genocide on 26- 28 December 2008 at Erbil Convention Centre. The aim of the conference is to investigate and publicise the genocide of the Kurds. The conference organising committee calls for papers from academics and experts in this area, the themes and criteria are explained below. The deadline for submissions is 2 January 2008.
The truth is, the Republicans had a debate and they all are 'selling the hype' that Bush's surge is a success. See, the Republicans call success 'the ends justify the means.' It is their philosophy in war, in economics and in government legislation. They are immoral. They have caused a genocide in Iraq, but, yet McCain will state, "I will continue the Surge because we are winning in Iraq."
"W"rong. The USA is committing genocide in Iraq and there is every indication as soon as the refugees return, the violence will begin all over again.
When over ten percent of a populous leave is displaced and at least half again as much are dead and then another full one third is living in abject poverty, the very ability of these people to oppose the war is weakened, except there are still people, a woman no less, who still straps on a bomb and walks into a group of American soldiers and blows herself up to attempt to kill them.
That is a stable Iraq? Iraqis are doing well?
There are all lies Anderson and you are attempting to shove the lies down the throats of the American public. We know it and that is why Republicans are losing the members to their party.
You disgust me !
George W. Bush's Job Approval Increases to 31%
George W. Bush's overall job approval rating has increased to 31% as Americans have turned less pessimistic about their household financial situations according to the latest survey from the American Research Group.
Among all Americans, 31% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 64% disapprove. When it comes to Bush's handling of the economy, 32% approve and 62% disapprove.
Among Americans registered to vote, 32% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 63% disapprove. When it comes to the way Bush is handling the economy, 33% of registered voters approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 61% disapprove.
Enough !
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