Campbell Brown Reports' Iran: Fact & Fiction'
An intelligence bombshell about Iran.. and nuclear weapons. But this time, is the intelligence correct? Campbell Brown investigates: "Iran: Fact & Fiction."
Sat & Sun, 7 & 11 p.m. ET
Whether it's fact of fiction depends on what side of the political fodder you stand and considering CNN prides itself on having a "Week at War" with segments 90 seconds long to impose wrongful and biased and bigoted views of the Middle East it's safe to say the Neocons have found a cozy home to lend their support in attempting to vanquish Murdoch. You would think all those that despise Murdoch for his overt and chronic lies would side with CNN, but, one lie is better than another? I don't think so.
The slimeballs haven't changed their rant but only hope to revitalize it ! Maybe at CNN, this time with a female voice. It wasn't enough to ruin one career of a former mainstream female anchor, they're going to try it a second time.
CNN is dedicating Megahours to transforming the USA National Intelligence Estimate into a Bogus document. They are seeking to match their rival FOX in propaganda that is Anti-American.
These news networks are not only seeking ratings based on their own 'intelligence' approach, they are seeking to undermine the very government agency that Bush/Cheney precide over. The problem of course is that the National Intelligence Estimate doesn't say what the Bush/Cheney/Gates administration wants it to say. They, evidently, couldn't muscle the agency in time to oppress the truth, so, as with Iraq, they are seeking to change the truth after it's known with the assistance of Neocon networks intent on promoting war.
I'll tell you how stupid their assessments are. They have coined al Sadr as a fallen leader. He was never that. He wasn't really a militia leader at all. He was a beseiged cleric. He still is. Al Sadr never carried a weapon but only a Qur'an. Everything about al Sadr became political rather than religious in the Western Press because Bush/Cheney needed a scapegoat.
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