Wednesday, December 05, 2007

For weeks now, the FOX News channels have been promoting a book written by Levin regarding a dog he once owned. They have been living and breathing this book in order to win sympathy for 'their softer side.' I am sure Levin is making a 'killing (they like that word)' on the book, but, that is besides the point. The book was engineered to place on the market this time of year as holiday giving can be fun when it's a touching book about a dog.

That is all fine and good, but, the FOX News morons have taken the book one step further. Out of one side of their mouths they are touting their compassionate and soft side, while out of the other corner of their mouth they are defaming the intelligence agencies that rendered the NIE.

They are NOT "great" Americans and they are exploitive of their audience. They lure them in with sympathy and then feed them Anti-American and paranoid rhetoric. Their license to broadcast should be pulled ! It isn't freedom of speech that is the issue, it's lies and harboring an American enemy on the aire waves. That American enemy is the deceit of the Murdock empire that promotes hate, war and paranoya.