Is it "W"rong to believe that Iran is incapable of a nuclear threat actually Anti-Semitic?
You've got to be joking?
The President of Iran hates Israel. There is a reason for that, as it carries a lot of clout with people that were afraid of the illegal invasion by the USA into Iraq. That does not make Iran an Anti-Semitic country. Even if it were, does that justify the deaths of vast populations of people on the basis of fear alone?
The United States of America and the IAEA are in agreement that the CAPACITY of Iran isn't at the stage where it is a threat to the region. Russia has also made that assessment and reported it to the UN, allies and the United States of America. Bush ignores it. He and Cheney ignore everything. They subscribe to their own reality based in their electorates fears for political gains.
Iran has been and will continue to become a force to contend with, in that it feels the brevity of being the only Shia nation on Earth. If one analogy, and this will be very difficult for some to even entertain, but if there is one analogy that can be made; it's that Israel is supposed to be a religious haven for Hebrews and what then is Iran if not a religious haven for the Shia?
Does that justify Iran's aggression against Israel at any point in time? No. Does it entitle Israel it's aggression against Iran? No, unless it's a direct threat to the country and people of Israel there is absolutely no reason for aggressions of any kind.
The region needs peace.
Iran needs better leadership. That leadership will be roled back to fundamentalism until the USA is out of Iraq and the threat of a USA invasion into Iran is gone.
One might ask why if there is such a nuclear threat in the region is Gates turning away from troop redeployment into Afghanistan and insisting NATO carry the burden. NATO can't. It has constraints on the size of it's force by treaty. Russia has been objecting to the size of the NATO forces and to increase them would go beyond what the treaty allows. Here again, Bush, Cheney and Gates create their own scenarios of reality and seek only to push off the responsiblity of the USA in the country of Afghanistan.
Pakistan, in it's instability is just as much of a concern about nuclear weapons of which it already has then Iran could ever be now, but yet, when it comes to USA commitment of forces to stop the increasing instability they are not forthcoming in the face of Marine generals that insist upon it.
The Bush/Cheney White House is waiting for the other shoe to drop in Iraq. For the Shia to revolt and cause some war that will ignite the violence all over again. That's not possible. Iraq has at least one third of it's populous in poverty and needs infrastructure rebuilt. The potential for more war by Iraqis is slim at best. In order to carry out a war, the people waging it have to be strong enough to lift a gun and execute it's purpose. Iraqis don't have that capacity and it's time the USA redeploy it's military in an effective way. The National Guard needs to return home and the Marines need to deploy to Afghanistan. The generals need to take their case to Congress, a majority Democratic congress and get this over with !!!
The reason Bush/Cheney/Gates are insisting on an Iranian invasion is due to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and that's the only reason !
You've got to be joking?
The President of Iran hates Israel. There is a reason for that, as it carries a lot of clout with people that were afraid of the illegal invasion by the USA into Iraq. That does not make Iran an Anti-Semitic country. Even if it were, does that justify the deaths of vast populations of people on the basis of fear alone?
The United States of America and the IAEA are in agreement that the CAPACITY of Iran isn't at the stage where it is a threat to the region. Russia has also made that assessment and reported it to the UN, allies and the United States of America. Bush ignores it. He and Cheney ignore everything. They subscribe to their own reality based in their electorates fears for political gains.
Iran has been and will continue to become a force to contend with, in that it feels the brevity of being the only Shia nation on Earth. If one analogy, and this will be very difficult for some to even entertain, but if there is one analogy that can be made; it's that Israel is supposed to be a religious haven for Hebrews and what then is Iran if not a religious haven for the Shia?
Does that justify Iran's aggression against Israel at any point in time? No. Does it entitle Israel it's aggression against Iran? No, unless it's a direct threat to the country and people of Israel there is absolutely no reason for aggressions of any kind.
The region needs peace.
Iran needs better leadership. That leadership will be roled back to fundamentalism until the USA is out of Iraq and the threat of a USA invasion into Iran is gone.
One might ask why if there is such a nuclear threat in the region is Gates turning away from troop redeployment into Afghanistan and insisting NATO carry the burden. NATO can't. It has constraints on the size of it's force by treaty. Russia has been objecting to the size of the NATO forces and to increase them would go beyond what the treaty allows. Here again, Bush, Cheney and Gates create their own scenarios of reality and seek only to push off the responsiblity of the USA in the country of Afghanistan.
Pakistan, in it's instability is just as much of a concern about nuclear weapons of which it already has then Iran could ever be now, but yet, when it comes to USA commitment of forces to stop the increasing instability they are not forthcoming in the face of Marine generals that insist upon it.
The Bush/Cheney White House is waiting for the other shoe to drop in Iraq. For the Shia to revolt and cause some war that will ignite the violence all over again. That's not possible. Iraq has at least one third of it's populous in poverty and needs infrastructure rebuilt. The potential for more war by Iraqis is slim at best. In order to carry out a war, the people waging it have to be strong enough to lift a gun and execute it's purpose. Iraqis don't have that capacity and it's time the USA redeploy it's military in an effective way. The National Guard needs to return home and the Marines need to deploy to Afghanistan. The generals need to take their case to Congress, a majority Democratic congress and get this over with !!!
The reason Bush/Cheney/Gates are insisting on an Iranian invasion is due to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and that's the only reason !
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